Cycle Phone Charger
When I ride a bicycle,the battery of my phone often gets used up
and then I can't do any work on my cell phone or call anyone.
So I thought of making a cycle phone charger.
This is a charger which takes energy form your bicycle
and converts it into electrical energy which is then used to charge phone.
So now lets begin..
Materials Required
For making 5V regulator
- A 10uf capacitor
- A 1uf capacitor
- 1 L7805
- PC board
- Wires
- A soldering iron(for soldering wires)
For making generator we need-
- A gear box with motor in it as shown in the image, you can get this from 'LED Full Color 360 degree Rotating Crystal Lamp' as shown/Dynamo such that it gives at least +9V when its shaft is turned even slowly.
A rubber wheel
A strong cello tape
And an USB port
Fixing Rubber Wheel to Gear Box
Take M-seal, gear box and rubber wheel.
Mix the M-seal.
Fit it in the middle of the rubber wheel.
Pierce the rod in the M-seal and leave it for 3-4 hours. So,that it could get solid.
Fixing of Gear Box
Cut a piece of cello tape and
fix the gearbox in your bicycle with help of cello tape such that
the rubber wheel touches the rim of the bicycle so it can be turned.
Making 5v Regulator
Connect the L7805 and capacitors in PC board
according to the circuit given. A voltage between
7v to 15v 1A current can be given as the input.
You can also see steps to make a 5V regulator on Instructables.
Connect the regulator to gear box as shown.
Connect the positive wire of the USB port to +5V output
and connect the negative wire of the USB to the negative wire of regulator.
Now fix the whole system to your bicycle and now it is ready for use.
Just connect to your mobile and rotate the pedal.