Cyborg Photo Edit Using G.I.M.P 2.8
by lezbatt in Circuits > Cameras
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Cyborg Photo Edit Using G.I.M.P 2.8

This is a step by step on how to turn yourself into a cyborg using a free program called gimp.
What You Need.

Gimp installed on your computer. Download here
A photo of yourself with at least one eye showing.
And a photo of a cyborg.
A photo of yourself with at least one eye showing.
And a photo of a cyborg.
Step 1

Create a new layer in the photo of yourself the open up the photo of the cyborg in gimp and using the lasso tool cut around the cyborg parts of the face,right click on the image and select edit,copy then bring up the photo of yourself paste them into the new layer. Remember to tick feathered edges in the tool box options.
Step 2.

Resize, rotate and move the cyborg pieces into place. Repeat this with as many pieces as you like.
Step 3.

Make a new layer. Select the original layer of the picture of you and carefully use the lasso tool to cut around the eye copy and paste it into the new layer you just made.
Step 4

Drop down the tools menu and select color tool and color balance. Move the slider towards red for the shadow,midtones and highlights.I use less red on the high lights.
Step 6.

Now drop down the filter menu and select light and shadow and supanova.Set the color to red and turn the radius down a little bit. Reposition the supanova to match the high lights on your eye.
Step 6.

Use the paint brush to add in some thin black lines to look like cracks.
Step 7.

Use the paint brush again but this time a bit thicker and use a fleshy pink color with the opacity down a bit.
Step 8.

Now use the smudge tool to go around the pink edges you have just made.Work the strokes outwards to make it look like the skin is pink and sore around the wound.

This is the finished image.