Cutie Pie...Cherry Pie

Perhaps sometimes you would prefer to satisfy your sweet tooth with a small treat rather than an extra large over indulgent dessert. This tiny pie packs a tasty punch to satisfy your sweet cravings. Did I mention, it can all be done in 25 mins (once you have all the ingredients)! What are you waiting for?....lets get our pie on!

1 Package of frozen pie dough
1 can of cherry pie filling
1 straw
Package of 2 1/3 mini pie tins
2 3/8 biscuit cutter

- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- Gently unroll one sheet of frozen pie dough.
- Using the 2 3/8 biscuit cutter, cut out pie rounds (2 per tin).
- Place rounds inside a lightly greased tin, gently pressing dough into the bottom of the tin.
- Open Cherry pie filling and generously place a heaping spoon into your pie tin.
- Squeeze the end of a straw firmly until an oval shape is achieved.
- Press straw into the second pie round (top covering), create a steam valve to allow your pies to breathe. Get creative!
- Place tops onto the pies and using a fork, crimp the edges of the pies.
- OPTIONAL: for a shiner crust, whisk one egg with a tablespoon water. Brush pies with egg wash. Sprinkle course sugar for an added texture.
Bake and Wait!

IMPORTANT: Put prepared pies on a silicone sheet (foil or parchment) to catch pie spill-over. Place your mini pies in a toaster oven or standard oven. Bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown.
Take a Bite!

Let your pies cool for at least 5 minutes. Gently release pies from tins. For an extra cute presentation, serve on a toy tea set.