Customizable Calculator

by STEVENRABINOW in Circuits > Gadgets

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Customizable Calculator

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My name is Steven Rabinow, and I am a freshman at Rambam Mesivta.

I originally made a different intractable but I was unable to post it because it violated the rules, but I was given a second chance to make a new one, so here is the calculator I decided to make.

I have always dreamed of becoming a mechanical engineer and with this project I hope that it will bring me one step closer to my goal. Since I'm new to fusion and this was one of my first projects most of the tools are still new to me, but for this project the tool that helped the most was the copy tool. This was mainly because of the buttons all being the same shape and size I only had to make one o them . If you would like to check out the file here it is. and if you would like to print it I included the stl file.



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For this all you really need is;

1) A Computer

2) A 3d printer

The Base Sketch

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For this step you want to have it all laid out in front of you. First make a large rectangle 87 by 117 millimeters and inside make a second much smaller one 6 millimeters from the top 25 by 75 millimeters. Then make another 4 rectangles 10 by 15 6 millimeters from the bottom of the smaller triangle. After that make 16 more 5.5 meters from the first 4. then connect the bottom 2 to the bottom left and the 2 to the bottom right side. When you are done with that create four circles where the edges are supposed to be.


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For this next step extrude the base and then click on your sketches and one the button shaped like an eye so you can see your sketch. Then extrude one of the buttons and make sure to press on join and select new body. Next fillet the edges by one millimeter. Then press the letter m on your keyboard to activate the move command and click on the copy button on the bottom to create a copy. the align the buttons with your sketch. For the two larger buttons copy the buttons multiple times and align them in the center where there is a space. Then press the combine button so you have one complete shape. Lastly extrude the smaller triangle (25 75) by one millimeter.

Numbers and Colors

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For the last step click on new sketch and select one of the buttons. Then select the drop down menu where it says create, and select text. Then write the numbers. Thew only number that you might have a problem with is the devision symbol to which you will just have to press option and slash. hem select them and extrude by one millimeter. after that extrude them and turn hem into new bodies. Also select the smaller rectangle (25 75) and extrude it as a new body by one millimeter. Then click on the bodies and you will see something that says appearance. Click on it and find the colors you want. Lastly drag those colors to the body that you selected.