Custom Fitting Drawer Organization Boxes
by Lathien in Living > Organizing
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Custom Fitting Drawer Organization Boxes

Everyone likes an organized drawer, but store-bought organizers and baskets don't always fit your drawer or suit your specific needs.
Here is a simple and inexpensive way of making paper boxes that fit your things and your drawer perfectly, just the way you like it. With some time and minimal effort you can make your drawer tidy and well organized so you will always know where something is (or if something is missing).
Here is a simple and inexpensive way of making paper boxes that fit your things and your drawer perfectly, just the way you like it. With some time and minimal effort you can make your drawer tidy and well organized so you will always know where something is (or if something is missing).
Gather Supplies.

What you'll need for this project:
- Thick paper, such as card stock, cardboard from cereal boxes, Bristol board or anything you have lying around that will support itself
- White Glue
- Measuring tape
- Ruler
- Craft knife (and cutting mat) or scissors
- Pencil and paper for planning
- Thick paper, such as card stock, cardboard from cereal boxes, Bristol board or anything you have lying around that will support itself
- White Glue
- Measuring tape
- Ruler
- Craft knife (and cutting mat) or scissors
- Pencil and paper for planning
Measure Drawer

Measure the dimensions of your drawer including height. You don't want make your boxes too tall or the drawer won't shut!
Plan Ahead

Make a list of everything you would like a specific box for. For example, I want a box for CD's, my camera, boxes with dividers for holding cables and headphones, etc.
Next, measure how big you want each specialty box to be. Measure the item to go in the box and make sure there is some extra room to be able to grab the items easily.
Write down the dimensions and plan a layout for your drawer by making a scale drawing. Make sure all your boxes can fit within your drawer. I am very lazy and didn't want to make a scale drawing so I used Google Sketchup for my layout, you can too.
Next, measure how big you want each specialty box to be. Measure the item to go in the box and make sure there is some extra room to be able to grab the items easily.
Write down the dimensions and plan a layout for your drawer by making a scale drawing. Make sure all your boxes can fit within your drawer. I am very lazy and didn't want to make a scale drawing so I used Google Sketchup for my layout, you can too.
Box Construction

Measure the sides and bottom panels of the boxes onto the card stock. Make sure to leave 'tabs' around 1cm wide for gluing the boxes together. Don't forget to reuse as much paper scraps as possible and recycle the rest!
Cut out the panels and score gently with the knife or scissors where the fold lines are for cleaner edges.
Glue the tabs and stick the panels together. *Tip* I make papercrafts quite often and when gluing I "dab" or "pat" the glue with my finger to spread it evenly and make it less likely to moisten the paper and result in wavy or damaged paper.
Cut out the panels and score gently with the knife or scissors where the fold lines are for cleaner edges.
Glue the tabs and stick the panels together. *Tip* I make papercrafts quite often and when gluing I "dab" or "pat" the glue with my finger to spread it evenly and make it less likely to moisten the paper and result in wavy or damaged paper.
Box Construction Continued

Finish gluing the box and wait a while for the glue to dry (We all know we're not going to wait overnight) and test your box to see if everything fits nicely.
Great! You're almost done. Now just repeat the steps for the rest of your boxes. This can be time consuming, so have patience.
Great! You're almost done. Now just repeat the steps for the rest of your boxes. This can be time consuming, so have patience.
Creativity Time

Here's an idea: make stackable boxes for things you don't use as often. I made two identical boxes with dividers for cables and headphones, one atop the other.
Remember, be as creative as you want! make crazy shapes as long as the're functional and you can use them. You might even want to make lids for some for extra tidiness.
Remember, be as creative as you want! make crazy shapes as long as the're functional and you can use them. You might even want to make lids for some for extra tidiness.
You're Done!

Yay! Now your drawer is super tidy and you can find what you're looking for within seconds and without messing everything up.
Post comments and your own drawer organizers if you choose to make them. Ideas and suggestions are welcome. This is my first instructable so please leave criticism so I can improve in the future. Thank you!
Post comments and your own drawer organizers if you choose to make them. Ideas and suggestions are welcome. This is my first instructable so please leave criticism so I can improve in the future. Thank you!