Custom Arduino Board

by SenulD in Circuits > Electronics

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Custom Arduino Board

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I have work with Arduino from few years. It makes easy our electronic projects. But I was thinking how to make boards like Arduino?. When I make a permanent projects like clocks, whether stations. I have to keep my Arduino there forever or I have to break that project or buy another one for another project. With this I can easily make any project with it's circuit. All I have to do is solder the components to this one.

and Hope this will be a cool and fun project.



For this project we need some Supplies.

  • ATmega 328 -1
  • 22pf    -2
  • 16 MHz crystal -1
  • USB ASP programmer -1
  • pin hedders male,femail
  • Ic bace(for atmega 328)
  • Double side PCB( I used Dot board )
  • 7805 IC -1
  • 0.33uf capacitor -1
  • 10uf capacitor -1

Note: When you buy the USBASP programmer make sure to by the small 10 to 6 pin adapter.

These are for the circuit and I brought them via alixpress website.

I took these Supplies images from the internet.

And we need Basic Soldering skills, soldering iron, etc.


How to make Custom Arduino Uno

Custom Arduino board

Gather All the Components

When you are going to make this project. gather all the components to your table. It will be easy to you.

Make the Circuit

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Read the diagram and build the circuit.

It explains how to connect wires, components etc.

Place the components according to diagram on the dot board. Then check them again. After checked them, begin to solder the circuit.

Check where the components placed and how It will also help you just like the diagram.

Add a LED to your Board. The built in led Is on the D13 pin. Make sure to add a resister otherwise led could burn.

Make the Digital and Analog Pins

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Now Get the pin herders and place them on both sides of Microcontroller as Arduino. These will allow you to Connect sensors etc.

Just like normal Arduino.

Please check Images. These will help you to understanding.

And you can label your pins if you like. Ex: A0 , A1

Power Section

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12v to 5v converter circuit diagram.jpg

Add a 5v power regulator circuit to the project. So we can use it with a battery pack.

Check the circuit diagram and connect the 5v out put to VCC and GND pins of our Arduino.

Make Pins for Programmer

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Now, Here we are going to program our board using a USB programmer and Arduino Software. So for that we are using six pins.

In here I'm explaining how to make that part.

For communication with USB programmer we are using MISO MOSI SCK RESET VCC and GND pins. these are the six pins I mentioned earlier.

If you look at a programmer you will notice that it Comes with six pins 3 for one line. So we need to make suitable port in our board.

Please check images.

Get pin header and break it to 2 pieces that include 3 of them in a one piece. and place them like in image and solder them. Now mark one side.(make it GND or VCC so it will easy to remember the side of your pins). Solder six pins to the Microcontroller. Then begin to make the connections.(check carefully images).

Prepare the Programmer


To Use the Programmer we need to Install some Drivers to our Computer.

For that go to this site :Zadig

Click on download.

After download it. Open it.

Plug the USBASP programmer to the computer.

Go to Options -> List all devices (tick on this)

Select Usbasp on the select bar.

Select the driver

Install it.

There are 6 drivers and to many people it worked only two of them. They were : . So I recommend to install one of them.

Then go to device manager. You will see A device called Usbasp that successfully installed our driver.

I included images of these steps.

Upload the Bootloader


If we want to work with our Arduino we need to install a Arduino bootloader. Its like our computer OS. It only need to install one time.

There are several ways to install bootloader to atmega 328 and you can find many tutorials from the internet.

Connect the Programmer to the our board

Select the board as Arduino Uno.

Programmer as Usbasp.

In tools click the Burn bootloader.

This will burn the bootloader to our atmega328.

Lets Make It Work

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Now place the micro controller on the IC base.

Plug the programmer to the computer and connect it to the our board.

Open Arduino software and get the Blink example.

Select the board as Arduino Uno.

Programmer as Usbasp.

Note that you don't need to select the port since we are uploading our code using a programmer.


In Sketch click the Upload using programmer.

That's it! After you clicked on Upload using programmer, sketch will begin to upload to your board.

Finally you fill see a message called Done Uploading.

check your Arduino board. Cool isn't it?


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Finish your project.

Cut the unnecessary parts.

Cut the board and give it a shape.

Name the pins.

Final Words


You can use this board as Arduino board or to permanent projects like clock projects, weather stations. Advantages are that the low cost (lower than buying a new Arduino) we can place this in permeant circuits forever we don't need to brake our old projects to make new one. I mean if I made a digital clock it's a waste.

And now we can place our other components and solder them in to one board so it will be very easy and clean than making it with a project board and some jumping wires.


Hope this was helpful.