Crystal Lamp

A cool lamp that I made in Maker Space class
Finding a Model

The first step is to find a rock from which you will make the lamp. You will also need to find some crystals which you can make into a mold.
Creating a Mold

To create a mold, you will grab your item and create a box that your rock will fit inside. Make sure you are able to poor your Composimold. You will pour it into the mold, let it cool for a day or 2 then you will have the mold. You will also create a mold for your Crystals
Pouring Resin

For this step, you will need to have your resin and colors for the rock and Crystals ready to go. You will mix the correct amount of ingredients for your poor then you will create the rock and crystals. Let it sit for a day or 2 until its fully cured.
Drilling Holes

This step will require a drill and a few drill bits. You will need to drill however many holes and the sizes rough to the size of the crystals you will be putting in your rock. Make sure that your crystals fit into the holes.
Fitting in the Crystals

Now that you have all of your drilled holes just make sure the crystals will fit inside. If they do not fit you can sand down the bottoms of the crystals to make them fit. If the holes are to big that is ok you will fill it in at the end.
Making a Box

For this step, you will need to make a box that fits your rock perfectly as it will hide the wiring and be where the button or switch to turn it on will be. You will need to drill holes in the bottom of your box that will align to where the holes in the rock will be so that you can fit you LEDs inside. My box is about 3 in. wide about 2.5 in. tall and 3 in. depth.
Wiring and Lights

For this step, you will need to get however many lights are needed for your project and also enough wiring, battery, and a switch. soder, and a sodering iron. Once you have all the materials you will need to create a parallel circuit with the lights and make sure that it turns on. After that, you will fit your lights into the pre-drilled holes in your box. Make sure that they fit snug in the holes and that your battery switch will be able to be put on the outside.
Final Details

This is the last step where you will add your battery box to the outside of the box by drilling holes in the sides for the wires to make sure you can turn the lights on and off. You will also need to make sure your crystals and rock in glued to the box and that the crystals are in place. To secure the crystals you can fill in the sides with hot glue to make a rock texture. You will also be able to paint over the hot glue to give it a better texture if not hot glue you can use clay to fill in the sides.
Final Product