Crossing Falls Paracord

The materials you need to make the crossing falls paracord is scissors, 50 cm for the short cord, 160 cm your medium cord, for your long cord you can get 260 cm, and then make sure you have a lighter!
When you start the knot of your paracord you take our long cord and make a circle then you put your short cord thru the long circle and put your bottom strings through your short cords circle. Lastly you then have to find the middle of your medium cord and put it underneath the short cords middle strings then pull them together and you have your starting knot!!!
Step 1 Knot

In this knot you have to put you medium cords into a circle the string on the rights extra sting goes in the back while they left string goes in front. After you get the medium cords into a circles you have to put the long cord into the circle, on the left side you have to put the right side across the short cord then you go back through the back and pull it out through the right black circle. You do the same with the left long cord but have to go the other side and it goes through the left black circle and after you get the knot ready it creates an x like above!!!
Step 2 Row Knot

In this step you are trying to create a row after the X like the second picture!!
So you are going to want to create the same circle you made with the medium cords as step 1. After that you put the long cord into the circle that is below the side they are on, but make sure you put the cord to the inside of the circles!!! Then pull it together and you get you rows!!
Step 3 Knot

In this knot you still make the medium cord into those circles. With the Long cord you are making an X again so the right cord goes across the short middle cords and then the same cord goes back into the right circle and you pull in through it. Then with the long cord you would go across the short cords then go in the back and into the left circle but pull the right black cord with the long cord through the circle. Then you pull it together and get a X again!!!
Step 5 Row

This row look you have to put both of the medium strings in front of the short cords in the middle after you make the circles. After to do that you put the long cords over the circle on their sides then put the cord into the circle and pull out but make sure it is on the side closest to the short cords.
Keep following the previous knots and rows parts till you get the bracelet to your desire!!!
How to Finish End of Bracelet

After you get the bracelet to your desire follow the steps below to finish the end
1. the first picture you have to put left medium under all cords but not the right medium cord and them pull it over then pull it to make it tight to the end
2. The second picture you have to put the other medium cord under and over all of the cord even the left medium cord. Then pull that tight like the 3rd picture
3. You have to cut the long and medium cords on both sides and make you use a lighter to make the ends don't fray! MAKE SURE YOU DON'T CUT THE SHORT CORDS!!!
Last Step the Connector to Make It a Bracelete

this is how you finish the bracelet this will become the closing to you bracelet!
1. You have to make the short cords into 2 loops with the right cord string over the left sides cord
2.After that you put the right side left over string into the left loop and put the left extra sting into the rights loop. Pull it tight and the you will have to cut the extra cord and then use your lighter to make sure they don't fray!!!
That is how you make a Crossing Falls paracord bracelet!!!!