Cross Stitch Bookmark

This is a simple cross stitch bookmark that you could make as a gift for one of your favourite book worms. They only take a couple of hours depending on your design. Enjoy!
What You Will Need...

Aida (I am using 16 count)
Cross stitch threads
Scrap material
Optional -
Aida paper
A small piece of plastic (cut from a folder)
Getting Started...

1. Measure a piece of aida 150mm x 40mm (or any size you want really!) and cut out.
2. Now, I usually draw my design onto aida paper so that I can get it accurate. I usually find an alphabet cross stitch or simple image pattern. It's up to you! If you feel confident to go ahead without this, that's fine!
3. Get stitching!
Tidy It Up...

4. Now you have finished stitching your design you need to back it to hide the knots.
5. Find some scrap material (old t-shirt, jeans, etc) and using a running stitch, sew your cross stitch onto the fabric.
Optional... Sometimes to make my bookmark stiff, I cut up a piece of thin plastic (an old folder) and put a thin strip in between the aida and the backing material. This means my bookmark isn't so floppy.
6. Cut away the excess material.
7. Iron.
Finished? Get Reading!

These are so simple to make and can be personalised to your taste!