Crocheted Trimmed Socks
These cute little socks don't take very long to make. I am going to make a pair in every color for my 3 year old granddaughter. You can match the crochet thread with the beads or purchase contrasting colors. What little girl wouldn't love a pair of these pretty socks?
Supplies Needed
1 pair of little girls socks, (I used ages 3-5) crochet thread, plastic tri-beads, small crochet hook (I used size 3/2.10MM) and 4 safety pins.
Mark the Cuff With Safety Pins
This step is important so that both socks are indentical when finished. Fold sock flat and put a safety pin at each fold. open the sock and fold again but this time with the pins together in the center. Put a safety pin at each side. You should now have 4 safety pins evenly spaced at the top edge of the sock.
String Beads on Crochet Thread
String 20 tri-beads onto the crochet thread. This is for 1 sock, you will need another 20 beads for the other sock.
Begin Crocheting
Start at the back of the sock. Push the crochet hook through the top of the sock. about 1/4" from the edge. grab the end of the crochet thread with hook and pull through. Make a loop at the end of thread.
1st Row
Hook through sock, single crochet 2, hook through sock again, single crochet 2, continue until you have 10 stitchesattached to the top edge of sock between each safety pin for a total of 40 stitches all the way around. The sock needs to be able to stretch. You should have 40 small loops around sock. You can adjust for smaller, newborn socks. Maybe 6 or 8 stitches between each safety pin.
2nd Row
When the 1st row is done, turn and hook through loop on 1st row, chain. sc 2. repeat around top edge of sock. chain. sc 2 and turn.
3rd Row With Beads
Bring 1 bead close to sock, chain 2. crochet through next loop, chain 2, add another bead, chain 2. Continue adding beads one at a time all the way around top edge of sock. Finish off by tying into a knot.
Finished Sock
These socks would also be pretty with white crochet thread and multi-colored beads. Or yellow thread and green beads...You can make a pair for every outfit. You may want to take matching ribbon and sew a small bow on the side of each sock. I would wash these by hand because of the beads and hang to dry.