Crocheted Dino With Hat

I’m not good at explaining, so I took pictures to show what I mean when I say no loop, and one loop.
-Light Green Yarn
-Dark Green Yarn
-Brown Yarn
-Crochet Hook
-Tapestry Needle
Dinosaur Body

Crochet a fat pill with one loop in between each. Before you finish it off, flip it inside out, and stuff it with something, I used two pom-poms.
Dinosaur Tail

When you finish the body, continue chrocheting, but attach it in a circle onto the dinosaurs body. (I forgot to take a picture at the point, so I just drew an image). Then chrochet normally so that it mostly resembles a tail. The way I fixed mine, is by when I cut it off, I used that string and sewed it to the body so the transition from the body to the tail looks more natural.
Mohawk Scales

I don’t actually know what it’s called, but it looked like a Mohawk on mine because I made it too tall. Crochet a line long enough to go onto the head and down the tail. Crochet a little blob, then move over two, then crochet a little blob, and move over two, etc. Then sew it onto the dino's back.
Arms and Eyes

Use the sewing needle to come from the back of its head and bring it back through after passing one string. Crochet a 3 by 2 rectangle for the arms. Attach them the the sides of the Dinosaur.

Do the 7 chain thing then connect them to make a circle. Start to make a sphere without an extra loop in between each time (might do an extra loop if your dinosaur is bigger then mine though). The once you’ve made half of the sphere continue crocheting but with an extra loop this time, and make it looser for the brim to build out. Once the brim looks large enough for you just cut it off with a little extra string, and you have the hat.

The hat goes on the Dino, and use the extra string as a chin strap.