Create a Long Range Marshmallow Rifle

by QuackMasterDan in Living > Kids

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Create a Long Range Marshmallow Rifle

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A guide on how to create an effective, powerful, and comfortable marshmallow rifle.

I used my own measurements and polished the process to make a much better gun.

This guide is a tribute to the one found here which inspired this new rifle.

As a disclaimer I hold no liability for anyone hurt while using the gun or following any part of these instructions. Wear eye protection to prevent pain and possible injury. Getting shot in the eye hurts (a lot) and you use these at your own risk.

With that finished, enjoy making the gun.

Obtaining Parts

To create one marshmallow rifle you will need:

1/2 inch PVC pipe.
(2) 1/2 inch T-Brackets
(2) 1/2 inch Elbow brackets.
(2) 1/2 inch Caps.

(1) Hacksaw
(1) Measuring tape or Ruler
(1) Sharpie/Marker

I got all of my parts at Lowes and already had the hacksaw. The total for me was around $6, as I already had the tools (minus the marshmallows).

As a big note, make sure that you get non-threaded pieces.

For those wondering why you need the caps, they create pressure in the gun. There are three ways the air could go out: the two handles and the barrel. When the handles are blocked the pressure has one way out. And thus, a marshmallow gun.


This is the most important part. Cutting the pieces.

Use your measuring tape and mark the appropriate lengths with a marker. After it's marked feel free to use that hacksaw.

When you are finished you should have the following.

(1) 23" barrel
(1) 13" mid-section
(2) 1 1/2" connectors
(2) 3" handles

Cutting the Pieces

I use a wooden block, and my shoe to hold the pipe steady. The purpose of the wood is to make a clean cut through the pipe without hitting the floor.

Commence the hacking and cut your pipe to the provided lengths. You will need to clean off the edges of the cuts (inside and out) when finished. Otherwise you will be blowing out PVC shavings.

When your foot is on the pipe you will need to step hard. I also hold the back end of the pipe to keep it steady. The more still the pipe, the faster and cleaner it will cut.

Connecting the Dots (Pieces)

Here is the main layout for the gun. It should be pretty straightforward to putting the pieces together.

Painting the Weapon

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You could have a boring plain white marshmallow rifle with printed text on the side.

Or you could have a personalized killing machine. This step is optional, but adds an extra "cool" factor and just feels better to hold.

On all PVC piping there is text printed on pipe. This marks things such as the pressure the pipe can handle, the time and date it was created, and the manufacturer. If this text is on when you apply spray paint it will bleed and look terrible.

Prepping & Painting:
The solution is to use sandpaper to get rid of the text. Any grit paper will use, but this will take a bit of sanding. After you've finished you can spray the pipe.

I use Krylon Fusion Spray paint. It sticks very well to plastic, and dries fairly quickly. You can create whatever you wish to dry the pieces, but as with anything painted you don't want it to be marred by touches. I have a spare paint roller that I use to rotate and hold the piece. Use whatever works for you.

For those of you who don't have much experience spray painting, hold the can back at least 6 inches. It may seem like you're wasting paint but multiple lighter coats always look better than one hastily applied.


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Now you have your very own marshmallow rifle to pester your friends with. Feel free to use your imagination and improve upon my design, and I would love to hear them (just leave me a comment).

Some extra tips:
If you put in three marshmallows at once and blow hard, you will essentially create a shotgun. And if you clog the barrel just take off the pieces and clean it.

Fresh marshmallows fire better and shoot farther. In addition they don't have as much spin.

The angle you tilt the mouthpiece at will greatly affect how effective you can be with your rifle. It's best to hold your main hand against your cheek.

When you hook multiple guns into each other the power becomes greater. Though it is impractical to use in a war time, it's fun to experiment with.

Now go start some wars and have a great time.