Create a File for Foam Cutter Machine

by BoboacaC in Workshop > CNC

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Create a File for Foam Cutter Machine

Foam cutter costycnc cut decorative patterns - routers sign making - satisfying #hotwire #signs

How create gcode from a image file with inkscape and costycnc extension.


Download extension from github and put folder gcode in C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions

Install Extension Costycnc


After put gcode extension in C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions open inkscape and will be see the costycnc menu

Download a Raster Image in Inkscape


Import a a raster image and transform it to vector.

1.import raster image(png,jpg,bmp,ecc) in Inkscape

2.Search for a image in your computer

3.Click ok

Transform Raster Image to Vector


1.Select image and open menu Path and click Trace Bitmap...

2.In right window click Apply and will create a vector image

Transform Vector Image to Gcode


Now can use costycnc extension for create gcode.

  1. Click Extensions > Costync > gcode...
  2. In gcode window click Apply ... and need to wait a little ... if image is big and have more details need to wait more
  3. Also dipends of velocity of your computer ... new computers with more cores will find more quickly.

Copy Gcode in Clipboard


4.When extension finished wil see a window with gcode.Click select all

5.and copy

Now your gcode is in clipboard and ready to paste in a text editor like notepad or can go to and paste in gcode box

I prefer to create a box with gcode for copy to clipboard instead save gcode file because inkscape when want to save file in your computer and not have privilege the file cant be saved and you need to set as administrator access to inkscape. Is a procedure little complicated and my solution with copy and paste is easy and no create problems. I hope!!!

Paste Gcode in Costycnc Page in Gcode Box


Open and paste gcode in gcode box

Gcode Is Ready to Cut


After paste the gcode in gcode window not succed nothing ... but when click somewhere in window ,in black window will apear the percourse of gcode.Now the gcode is ready to cut. You can connect with machine and with button "Write" you can begin cut!!!

Save Gcode for Use Later


You can use button "Save gcode" to save gcode in your computer and later use button "Load gcode" for use this gcode again.

Load Gcode to Lasergrbl


Download gcode with Lasergrbl.

Below ig gcode used in this example


Thank You

If this tutorial help you or have questions leave a comment. Thank you!