Crayon Candle

Need an emergency candle! Or just want a cool looking candle. Maybe you could use them for a fire starters? (That is if you have matches as well.) How about a crayon candle.
This simple instructable will tell how to make your very own crayon candle.
I got this idea after seeing a lot of candles made from crayons but never one made out of a crayon.
Basically the paper replaces the wick in the candle. It takes a little bit for it to light though and burns for about 8 minutes.
Enjoy the video!
If you like the crayon candle vote for it in the lamps and lighting contest.
This simple instructable will tell how to make your very own crayon candle.
I got this idea after seeing a lot of candles made from crayons but never one made out of a crayon.
Basically the paper replaces the wick in the candle. It takes a little bit for it to light though and burns for about 8 minutes.
Enjoy the video!
If you like the crayon candle vote for it in the lamps and lighting contest.

Here are the materials you will need to make your crayon candle.
- crayon
- sharp knife
- cutting mat of some sort or a surface you don't mind getting scratched.
- candle holder (I used a knex wheel)
Preparing the Candle

This step will prepare the candle (crayon) for lighting.
- First, cut off the end of the crayon (not the tip) to get it flush with the paper, as shown in pictures 1-3.
- Second, carve out a little bit of the end of the crayon to expose some of the paper: pictures 4 and 5.
- Third and final, push or place the candle crayon into the the candle holder.
Lighting the Candle

Now all that's left to do is light it and whola! You have yourself a crayon candle.
Make sure you read the notes.
If liked the instructable, please vote for it in the lamps and lighting contest.
Hope you had fun.
Make sure you read the notes.
If liked the instructable, please vote for it in the lamps and lighting contest.
Hope you had fun.

- The crayon candle can burn continually for about 8 minutes.
- It tends to be a bit smokey when blown out.
- I wouldn't let it burn past the black line (as seen in the image notes) because it will probably fall over.