
by santosodeng03 in Craft > Cardboard

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Being under quarantine is a difficult experience for all of us. We do not have the chance to go outside and be able to hang out with our friends. That is why we created a DIY game that is suited for all ages. Very easy to make and a nice fun game to play even if you are alone, bored, or simply a person who loves games with a twist behind it.

Cranny is inspired with two known games, skee ball and beer pong. Beer pong is a drinking game where the players are in the opposite sides of the table, throwing balls into cups of beer, and their opponents are required to drink the contents of the cup where the ball landed. In the traditional skee ball, it is a bowling type of game, where you roll the ball into the ramp, trying to get the ball to the different holes with corresponding points. We merged these two games and came up with Cranny.

Physics Topic Applied:

This game involves the topic of accuracy and precision wherein we are to find out where the balls landed and tell if they were:

(1) Precise but not accurate (the balls landed on the same spot, but far from the pink hole)

(2) Accurate but not precise (the balls landed near the pink hole but not as close with one another)

(3) Accurate and precise (the balls landed in the pink hole), and

(4) Inaccurate and imprecise (the balls landed neither on the same spot or the pink hole).

Moreover, Cranny also includes the topic of Projectile Motion and Free Fall, since it focuses on what is the trajectory of throwing the ball to know how accurate and precise the throws are. Gravity could only be the force acting upon the balls, on the other hand, it could influence the motion acting upon the balls; therefore, Cranny is a game where the balls being thrown into the cup has a free-fall and projectile motion.

Game Mechanics:

There are 20 holes arranged in a teardrop shape, and are color-coded (pink in the center, surrounded by 7 purple holes, and 12 mint blue holes surrounding the purple holes).

The player will be given 10 throws for each round.

The player can either toss the ball or bounce it towards the holes.

Instead of attaining the highest points, the player's objective in Cranny is to land the balls as accurate and precise as possible, meaning the winner is the one who landed the highest number of balls in the pink hole.

The player should keep track of their accuracy and precision for every round of the game.


  • Thick cardboard
  • Spray paint (you can also use other types of paint)
  • Coloring materials
  • Cutter
  • Packaging tape/masking tape
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun
  • Ruler
  • Pingpong balls
  • Paper tube (must have greater diameter than the pingpong balls)

NOTE: The paper tubes must vary in height.

You will be needing the following:

  • 1 - 10 inches tube
  • 2 - 11 inches tube
  • 2 - 12 inches tube
  • 1 - 15 inches tube
  • 4 - 18 inches tube
  • 5 - 20 inches tube
  • 2 - 23 inches tube
  • 2 - 24 inches tube
  • 1 - 26 inches tube

The Base


On a thick cardboard, cut out a big decagon. Make sure that the base is big enough to place 20 paper tubes.

Cut the vertices and fold the edges so the base could stand.

Cut one horizontal edge which will serve as the exit of the ball. Glue or tape the vertices and the edges back together.

You can use spray paint to give color and personality to the base.

Preparing the Tubes


Prepare the paper tubes and paint.

You can opt to choose the 3 colors you want for the tubes, just make sure to use only three colors and follow the color coding of the various size of the tubes.

In our case, we use the colors pink, purple and mint green. Here is the following guide of painting the paper tubes:

  • 1 - 20 inches tube: PINK
  • 1 - 15 inches tube: PURPLE
  • 2 - 18 inches tube: PURPLE
  • 2 - 20 inches tube: PURPLE
  • 2 - 23 inches tube: PURPLE
  • 1 - 10 inches tube: MINT GREEN
  • 2 - 11 inches tube: MINT GREEN
  • 2 - 12 inches tube: MINT GREEN
  • 2 - 18 inches tube: MINT GREEN
  • 2 - 20 inches tube: MINT GREEN
  • 2 - 24 inches tube: MINT GREEN
  • 1 - 26 inches tube: MINT GREEN

Plugging in the Tubes


Trace the bottom part of the tube on the base to get an accurate circumference needed to cut out the holes where the tubes will be plugged in.

Trace all 20 circles in the base and form it like a teardrop shape (refer to the photo above). Cut out the circles to make holes for the tubes.

After making the holes, plug in the tubes according to the placement of the colored tubes together with its height (inches) in the picture above. The pink tube is in the middle, surrounded by the purple tubes, then followed by the mint green ones. Take note that you must follow the placement of the tubes not just by color, but as well as by height. It should be sloping upwards.

Creating the Walls


Now for the walls, cut 7 cardboards, about 6 feet long, with a width of depending on the length of the sides of the decagon.

You can definitely spray paint it again to match the color of the base.

Using hot glue, surround the edges with the 7 pieces of cardboards.

It is just 7 because we are not going to put a wall on the edge where the ball will exit as well as the edges beside it.

Adding the Roof (Optional)


The roof we made doesn't have a definite shape, and it is really up to your preference on what kind of roof do you like.

Cardboards were cut to form a dome like structure that has a crater effect on the upper area of the roof.

You can definitely use different materials that you think is more suitable for your roof, but for our case, we decided to use cardboards.

It is also not required to add a roof to your game, it is up to your preference.

Lastly, personalize it according to your liking using your different coloring and art materials. And your Cranny is done as easy as 1 2 3! Have fun playing!

