Corner Page Bookmark

This project was only about a dollar for me, because I had all of the supplies, except the book. So I saw this bookmark, but absolutely NO instructions. What? So I decided to make my own and share it with those of you who love books to! Enjoy!
Gather Supplies

What you'll need is a book with blank pages (I got mine at goodwill for $1), a ruler, a pencil, scissors, glue (or glue stick), paintbrush (if your not using a glue stick; use a cheap or crappy one), and pen or fine tip sharpie.
Blank Page

Tear a blank page out of your book.
Make a Square

Measure and cut out a 5x5 inch square (you can make it bigger or smaller depending on the size of your book pages).
Make Four Squares

Use your pencil and ruler to split the square into four sections (mine were 2 1/2 inches).
Minus One

Cut one square (any one you want) out.
And Then There Was Three

This is what it should look like.

Split the alternate angles in half using a straight edge and a ruler.
More Cutting

Cut the outside triangles (it should look like an arrow; like this).

Fold the triangles over on the lines.
After Folding Both

It should look like this.

Prepare your glue and a paintbrush.

After folding and preparing your glue, glue the top triangle to the bottom triangle. DO NOT glue the bottom triangle to the base.

While the glue is drying, I like to put it in a book to flatten out.
Finishing Up

Write whatever you desire on it.(:

Ta-da. All done, super easy.