Copper Heatsink on the Rocks

by glj12 in Circuits > Tools

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Copper Heatsink on the Rocks

no digital camera for you glj12.jpg

Just thought that all you overclockers out there might enjoy a new project that I have just recently finished entitled: Copper Heatsink on the Rocks. This play on words makes reference to a computer being passively cooled with a wine chiller.

-Dust free (sealed completely)
-Easy to remove cover
-No moving parts, no fans, all passive (minus the one PSU fan, I couldn't afford a passive PSU)
-Pure copper insulated heatsink that is counter-cooled by a wine chiller at 41 degrees F, allows for much OC'ing
-Currently at 91 degrees F after leaving on for 1 whole day, still counting, with no flubs (heat measured from the copper closest to the CPU itself)

I have not OC'd it yet, but eventually will after viewing how stable it is after 1 week.

For the original article of mine, go here: Copper Heatsink on the Rocks

Hope all of you enjoy! Comments are quite welcome.

Now, onto the details....

More of an Overview and Thanks

I have been racking brain about this for the past few months, a new way to cool a computer that has low power consumption, zero dust, makes no noise at all, completely passive (no moving parts in anyway) and enables the end-user to overclock till his heart is content. Well, it seems like I have done it. The project that I have been talking about for sometime now is complete. Before I go any further, it may be best to first view the video down below. Also, I would like to give a great amount of credit to my neighbor, Mr. Castle, for helping me in many ways to accomplish such an endeavor. For the soldering job, supply of copper, the amazing blow torch, handy work, etc. goes to my good friend Matt. Last, but not least, supplying the Dell computer from hell, which still scares me till no end to this very day.

Gordon: Eric, it boot-loops only for you, it must love you!

Eric: *Stares at Gordon*


Alright, onto how this new-fangled invention works, how I did it, materials needed, etc.


  • 1 Blow Torch that can go up to 1,500 degrees F
  • 4 Pennies between 1962-1982*
  • 1 Cylindrical/hollow copper pipe
  • 1 Strip of silver flux
  • 1 Piece of aluminum foil
  • 1 Computer
  • 1 Silicon caulk/gun
  • 1 Tube of pipe insulator
  • 2 Copper joints
  • 1 Emerson wine chiller
  • And a crap load of patience and cutting tools, drills, etc.

The Theory Behind It All

Before we began this project, I developed my theory, which of course, as usual, sounded better on paper. My idea was that I could seal off the computer case completely with silicon caulk, and use a copper heatpipe made out of pennies between the years 1962-1982* (I used these years because it contained the highest amount of copper, 95% copper and 5% zinc). Once that was made, I was going to insulate it with a form of Styrofoam so the heat would not be let out into the case, and everything else would remain cool. The pipe would then reach outside the plexi-glass case, and would eventually reach the inside of the wine chiller that cools down to 41 degrees F, thus countering the heat being dispersed from the CPU.

What We Actually Did

First thing was to make our magnificent heatpipes. So I took a whole heap of pennies between the desired years over to my friend Matt's house and began to arrange them in the right way for it to represent a thick copper pipe. Once we realized two things after soldering with the 1,500 degree blow torch, that this was going to be harder than we thought. Our idea was to forgo the whole �make everything out of the copper pennies� and to go with simply designing the base out of them arranged in a square-like fashion, and to use his copper pipe that he just so happened to have lying around. This way, the air will travel with the heat much more smoothly through the heatpipe, thus making it cooler. After sanding the base of the pennies so it was a smooth shiny surface (to make contact as solid as possible against the CPU) I then moved onto designing the case (after ordering all the parts, and retrieving the Dell from hell computer from Eric). Next came the sealing-up of the case. After much cleaning of the parts, and mounting it properly, I then took a severe amount of silicon caulk to seal every gap conceivable. Now, I know where every single nook and cranny there is on this forsaken case. Next, I took the case over to my friend Mr. Castle who is quite handy when it comes to, well, everything. After drilling 2 holes in the side of the plexi-glass for the case, (note, if you ever drill in plexi-glass, be sure to use duct tape on the other side so it holds it together so it does not crack) we went to an auto parts store and picked up a few grommets. This way, when the pipe is dangling on the side of the case, it will somewhat be held sturdy. Mind you, we did the same thing when drilling into the Emerson wine chiller as well. Then, we needed to make a copper heatpipe joint so that it could properly reach the wine chiller provided. We went to Home Depot and picked up pipe insulator, a large piece of plywood, and two copper elbows. With the copper elbows in hand, we placed a few measurements, and drilled the two elbows in reverse directions to the extra piece of copper pipe. Now, the heat is successfully being piped out from the CPU, to the outside (while being insulated all this time of course) to the inside of the Emerson wine chiller. To test her out, we let it run for 24 hours to see if any difference would be seen. The temperature had successfully dropped from 80 degrees, to 60 (the heat of the pipe itself on the inside, while the computer was running). Since this was a great success, now all we needed to do was make sure that the computer actually functioned properly somewhat (POST'd or what have you) and to make/paint the plywood to size so the computer and wine chiller would be securely mounted. Once all of that was finished, we were ready to power her on again. Once turned on, there was virtually nothing to be heard. The power supply was the only part of the unit with a fan (come on, I couldn't get a passive power supply, they're too expensive, and Thermaltake didn't really want to donate one...) Absolutely no moving parts/fans (minus the PSU). Its impossible to tell that is on if you cannot see the lights. From what I can tell, after letting it run non-stop for another full day, the inside air of the case appears to be quite stable, a cool 80 degrees. The pipe itself is working quite well, by staying a little bit below 80. Could this be a new way to chill a computer, by using a wine chiller? Well, find out for yourself. This project is covered under a Creative Commons license. I encourage improvement upon my project, and wish to hear what you have accomplished/developed. I do expect credit, though. Anyway, I will keep all of you posted about how well this continues to run. Eventually, I will purchase more advanced/power/heat hungry components to put it to the real test. If you wish to donate parts, you know how to contact me! Below you will find some pictures that I have been able to take, I do not own a digital camera at the moment, so bare with me in terms of uploading more pictures.

Hope you enjoyed it! And remember, the video does it a bit more justice for explaining what we did.