
The project started when I and my dad are complaining about the lack of light around our dining room, so I decide to make something that is able to decorate the wall and also provide the ability to light the area. I started to do research about this idea and I found out that the RGB lamp is the best solution.
I got the idea of making this project from This design is about using Wx2812 RGB light to make RGB Mouse Pad. I found out that this is quite interesting because buying an RGB mouse pad is very expensive so I think making my own one is quite a good solution, but I lack some material that is needed for that design so I decided to make a little change and improvement. I decide to make an RGB lamp, this RGB lamp will be composed of WX2812 RGB light that is cover by a wood board. The RGB effect will then spread which looks very good. Luckily, I have many materials that are needed for this design.
Ws2812 light X1
Wood board X1(In my case, 100X 50)\
Electric drill for making the hole that allows the wire to go through so that it is able to look more organized
Ardunio Leonado board
USB cable
How You Are Going to Make It?

I found the circuit diagram from
There are going to be five steps for making this design. First, you should prepare all of the material that are need for this design (Ws2812 light X1 Wood board X1(In my case, 100X 50)\ Electric drill for making the hole that allows the wire to go through so that it is able to look more organized, Ruler, Ardunio Leonardo board, USB cable Superglue) Second, connect the wire with the WX2812 and Arduino LEONARDO. (Making sure that wire connects correctly) Third, start to cut the wood board to the size that you want and make sure that the measure of RGB light matches the measure of the wood board. Fourth, use the electric drill to make holes and measure the distance between the board so that there is space for the RGB light to pass through. Fifth, Combine the Ardunio LEONARDO with the wood board.
Details for Step One and Two

This diagram is a copy from
The picture of the circle diagram shows how you are going to plug the wire and how to connect them. The other two pictures show what will look like when are successfully connect the wires
Details for Third Step and Fourth Step

Those two steps are to cut the size of the board that you want and those materials are needed. Another picture shows where I plug the holes
Fifth Step

Combine all the material together
Improvement and Extension
For the improvement and extension. I need to improve on the skill that I cut the wood board. The board not straight enough so it looks a little bit unorganize. Seond, the wood board that I choose to use is not strong enough which causes the crack to appear on the board. Those are the parts that I need to improve on.
Code (the Place I Where I Make Changes)
#include "FastLED.h"
#define PIN 4 #define NUM_LEDS 30/改/ //Number of LEDs in the strip
CRGBArray leds; uint8_t hue[NUM_LEDS];
void setup(){ FastLED.addLeds(leds, NUM_LEDS); for(int i = 0; i< NUM_LEDS; i++){ hue[i] = 255/NUM_LEDS * i; }
//Random RGB Sparkle Animation for(int j = 0; j < 100 ; j++){ int dot = random(0,23); int hue = random(0,256); leds[dot] = CHSV(hue,255,175);; delay(50); leds[dot] = CRGB::Black; } }
void loop(){ //Rainbow Effect for(int i = 0; i< NUM_LEDS; i++){ leds[i] = CHSV(hue[i]++, 255, 175); }; delay(8); }