Cool Crafty Chemistry Earrings

Hello Chemistry & Science fans.
Chemistry can be a tough subject, but there are lots of ways to remember the elements. Whether you learn from singing the Chemistry song (and yes there is a song), cramming, genuinely studying, or creating craft goodness and just so happen to remember them all, it can be done.
In this Instructable I will show you how I created these one of a kind crafty Chemistry earrings and learned a few elements along the way!

In this project I used
- Printer paper
- Transparent paper (Staples)
- Resin (Amazing Casting Resin)
- Earring hooks (Wal-Mart)

Let's begin!
- Print out a Periodic Table Chart *Use a laser printer. If you use an inkjet ink will run once submerged in resin.
- Cut the elements of the table into individual squares. You can cut only the ones you want for your earrings. I choose Copper & Tellurium. These to appear to spell the word cute :) Play around with the tiles and come up with a few two tile words of your own.
- Example: Lv U (Livermorium Uranium), Lu V (Lutetium Vanadium), O Mg (Oxygen Magnesium), Be Er (Beryllium Erbium)...Okay enough with the Chemistry lessons.
- Next you'll want to cut out a square from the transparent paper, slightly larger than you Periodic Tile. You will use this for the frame. This gives the earring a see-through glass type look.
- Now glue your tile onto the clear square. Try as best to center it. *Check picture two.
- Lastly, mix resin and coat each square tile. Once dry drill a tiny hole at the tops of both tiles then affix earring hooks by manipulating the hook. *jewelry tool
I can't wait to see what you'll come up with. I look forward to your comments :D
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