LED Calculator Mod
This mod will show you how to put LEDs in your calculator.
Get What You Need
You need-
One calculator, small wires. 2 LEDs,screw driver, tape
One calculator, small wires. 2 LEDs,screw driver, tape
Unscrew the back of the calculator make sure no buttons fall out.
Take It Off
Take the styrofoam off the back of the screen.
Cut a Hole in the Top
Cut a hole in the top so the wires can go through.
Get the Leds
I put 2 blue LEDs in parallel
Tape Them
Tape the LEDs to both sides of the screen.
Direct the Wires
Direct the wires with through the hole we made earlier.
Screw It
Screw the Calculator Back together.
Twist a Battery Pack
Twist a battery packs 2 wires onto the wires of the LEDs. U can make a battery pack in my Annoying 9volt battery prank project.
Tape the Battery Pack On
Tape the battery pack to the back of the calculator.
Put It On
When it is connected with a 9 volt battery the screen will glow blue. We are not using the batteries inside the calculator because they are not powerful enough.