Cooking Ramen in a Cactus

by HorseBackBob in Outside > Survival

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Cooking Ramen in a Cactus

Cactus Ramen Cover 2.jpg

The Ramen in a Cactus Hack:

Ever wonder what you would do, hungry, with Ramen in hand, but with no pot to cook it in? This Instructable sets out to answer this age old question and to prepare those that might find themselves in such a dire situation. Enjoy.

(A demonstrational video can be found at the end of this Instructable.)

Find/Get Your Cactus


To get your Ramen cooked, you'll need to find a prickly pear cactus. Prickly pear is green, spiky, and can be found in the Southwest (see above photos).

Choose a healthy pad, safely remove said healthy pad with knife taking care not to touch the thorns. It's now time to head to camp with cactus in hand to stoke the fire and to make preparations for your Ramenly feast.

Hot Rocks in a Cactus Pot


Get your fire blazing (safely of course) and add some dry, non-porous stones to begin heating amongst the coals. While your rocks are heating up, you'll want to singe some of those nasty thorns off of your cactus by applying some of that awesome campfire flame (don't burn the pad though).

Once your thorns have burned away, the pad will need to be hollowed out (Carefully!) with a knife making sure not to puncture the skin of your cactus pad pot.

Fill Your Cactus Pad Pot With Water


The rocks in your fire should be getting hot by now, so it is time to situate your cactus pot and fill it with water. You can use large rocks around the cactus pad to keep it oriented up or a nifty stick like I've used in the above pictures.

Fill your cactus pad pot with water. Remember the best ingredients make the best food!

Time to Rock and Boil!


The secret to well cooked Ramen is a steady boil. Using a couple of sticks, carefully transfer heated rocks into your cactus pot of water. As each rock cools, remove it from the cactus pot and replace with a fresh hot rock from your fire until your water is at a rolling boil.

Get your Ramen ready!

Adding the Ramenly Ingredients


I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life or how to season your Ramen (Shrimp if you've got it). This is where I personally prefer to crunch up my Ramen noodles and add my seasoning to my boiling cactus flavored water.

A strong will is necessary to resist eating your creation at this point. Get Ahold of Yourself Man! (or woman) You're almost done.

Boil to Perfection


Adding a hot rock or two to complete cooking and finish sealing in all of that flavorful cactusey - Rameney goodness is key! Bring your water back to a boil and get your mouth ready for the party that is sure to begin.

Stir and Enjoy (Responsibly!)


A bit of stirring with utensils is probably a good call as this salty nectar can likely burn bare skin. I prefer chopsticks, but a fork or for those seeking a challenge, the spork, can also be used to enjoy this magnificent feast.

Please pace yourself and eat Ramen responsibly!

P.S. The cactus pad can also be eaten now as it is completely edible, fully cooked, and infused with the essence of Ramen!

Watch This Video to See How It's Done

Cooking Ramen In a Cactus

Not a step, but if a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video ought to be worth at least a thousand
pictures. Click on the video above to see how it's done.

Check out my YouTube Channel to see more videos like this one: Bob Hansler