Cookie Jar Defender

The system was built to provide a new way of communication between a parent
and a child (generally 2 or more people).
The communication is done through a cookie jar,
and all its functionality is to provide different kinds of messages
and cookie jar-related data and functionality.
The final app should allow you to monitor the jar and receive notification if the jar was illegally opened. The app will also tell you the mood of the jar. The jar mood depends on the temperature and movement. The more heat and movement the angrier it gets and it will open for you for less time, but if you treat it well and keep it cold it will give you some extra time! additionally, there is a button to reset the notification on the app, and a button to allow 30 second ish (depends on the mood) open of the jar. From the app you can define a password, which will be used on the jar, if used incorrectly you will receive a bad sound and red LED lights. But if you entered the correct password you will have a positive sound following by 30 second ish open time, that's when you get to eat the cookies!
- Arduino circuit playground express
- ESP8266
- 4 coins or metal buttons
- Thin copper wires
- Scissors
- Gloves
- 3 AAA Batteries (inside the battery holder)
- Fast-drying glue
- Sticky tape
- 25 x 25 cm fabric of your choice (you might need a different size matching to the jar size)
- 1 cookie jar
- Many cookies! (As many as you can fit and even more)
Setup You Internet Connection With ESP8266

Connect the CPX to the ESP8266 as shown in the picture.
Create the App

Download Blynk App: or
Touch the QR-code icon and point the camera to the code below.
Upload the Code to the CPX
Go over the attached code notes, add the relevant details and then upload it to the CPX.
Battery Holder Setup

** You might want to turn on the battery here.
Use sticky tape to secure the battery holder to the top of the jar lid.
Place the CPX

Use the sticky tape to place the CPX on top of the battery holder.
Attach Wires to the Lid

- Attach a 15 cm piece of copper wire to A5 (so that the middle of the wire is exactly on A5,
and twist both edges together to secure the holding of A5) then take the edges and use sticky tape to
stick them under the lid as shown in the picture (make sure the part that is close to the lid's edge is not
covered with sticky tape, we will need it later).
- Attach a 15 cm piece of copper wire to GND (so that the middle of the wire is exactly on GND,
and twist both edges together to secure the holding of GND) then take the edges and use sticky tape to
stick them under the lid as shown in the picture (make sure the part that is close to the lid's edge is not
covered with sticky tape, we will need it later).
Create Buttons

Create 4 buttons using the metal coins or metal buttons. Start with taking the button and fold a 10 cm piece of wire around it, and twist the wire's edges on the other side of the coin (as shown in the pictures). Then secure the backside of the coin to the wire with sticky tape (the side with the twisted wire edges).
Create Holes for the LEDs

Mesure the correct places of the LEDs on the CPX and use the scissors to cut holes. Try to align the center of the CPX with the center of the fabric.
Attach the Buttons to the Fabric

Create 4 symmetrical holes with the edge of the scissors, one for each button, the hole should be the size of the two twisted wires, then insert the twisted edges through the holes in the fabric (as shown in the picture).
Create a Wire Rim

Measure the circumference of the cookie jar rim and cut a copper wire of the same size. Use sticky tape or fast-drying glue to secure the rim to the top of the jar.
Complete the Structure

Take the fabric with the buttons and connect each of the twisted edges to one of the following: A1, A2, A3, or A4 (such that each button is connected to one input).
** This is the time to check the code and upload it to the CPX and make sure that the buttons are connected correctly.
Use fast-drying glue to glue the fabric to the edges of the lid. Then cut out the extra fabric.
Add Cookies!

Add your favourite cookies! Now they are protected!