Controlling LED Brightness With Potentiometer With Arduino

by Rachna Aggarwal in Circuits > Arduino

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Controlling LED Brightness With Potentiometer With Arduino

LED brightness with potentiometer

In this project ,we will control brightness of LED using variable resistance provided by potentiometer. This is a very basic project for a beginner but it will teach you many things about potentiometer and LED working which are required to make advance projects.

We can also control LED brigthness without potentiometer . click the link below to check that project

link: - Led brightness control without potentiometer .

Components Required

Circuit Schematic

led with potentio.PNG
potentiometer terminals.jpg
led terminal.jpg

Pin 11 --> led anode

A0 --> wiper

Vcc --> 5V

Gnd --> terminal 3 of potentiometer, cathode of LED

Arduino Code

Arduino analogRead function is used to measure the voltage between 0 to 5 volts and converts it into a digital value between 0 to 1023. The reason for value 1023 is because the analog to digital converters is 10-bit long. As analogWrite of PWM have duty cycle between 0 to 255 thats why we will divide value read by 4 in the code.


const int POTENTIOMETER_PIN = 0;

int analog_value=0;

void setup() {

// put your setup code here, to run once:

pinMode(11, OUTPUT);



void loop() {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


//value of analog_value is from 0 to 1023 and duty cycle of PWM is 0 to 255.

