Controlling Arduino Uno and 8 Channel Relay Board Using TV Remote and IR Receiver

by rupjit81 in Circuits > Arduino

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Controlling Arduino Uno and 8 Channel Relay Board Using TV Remote and IR Receiver


In this project iam controlling 8 channel relay board with Arduino Uno. The Arduino is receiving signals from IR remote. The signals are matched with case statements and target relay is energized.

The IR receiver data can be analyzed on serial monitor.


Arduino Uno 1 pc

VS1838B Infrared receiver 1 pc

220E resistor 1 pc

LED (Red) 1 pc

8 channel 5V relay board 1 pc

7805 regulator IC 1 pc

12V DC power supply 1 pc

Jumper wires as required 1 pc

Bread board 1 pc

USB arduino cable 1 pc

circuit diagram.jpg
Controlling arduino uno and 8 channel relay board using TV remote
Controlling 8 channel relay board with arduino uno and TV remote.IR transmitter receiver application

In this circuit iam using a voltage regulator IC 7805 to regulate my voltage to +5V DC. The IR receiver is fed with 5V DC power supply. The output of the receiver is fed to Arduino Uno.

The Arduino Uno program receives the data from IR remote and compares it with fixed data strings. If there is a match between two strings, corresponding LED channel is activated on the relay board.

The project sketch and circuit diagram is attached.

This is a tested project.

Please watch the video files.

The program is compatible with any TV remote. The received data may however vary and the sketch file to be modified accordingly.

For any clarification related to this project please inbox quarries if any.

Thank you.