Control Line Timer | Digispark Attiny85 TINKERCAD
by galkin.vadim.prog in Circuits > Arduino
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Control Line Timer | Digispark Attiny85 TINKERCAD

The timer is designed to control line ( C/L ) electric model of the aircraft.
Brushless motor with PWM control unit.

Using Great Cow BASIC
#chip tiny85,8 '8 #config OSC = RC, BODEN = OFF #config osc = int #define MOTOR PORTB.0 #define LED PORTB.1 #define SERVO PORTB.2 #define WORK PORTB.4 Dir MOTOR Out 'PB0, pin 5 Dir LED Out 'PB1, pin 6 Dir SERVO Out 'PB2, pin 7 Dir WORK Out 'PB4, pin 3 Dim PWMCounter as Word Dim MotorSpeed as Word Dim ServoRotation as Word Dim FTime as Byte Dim FMode as Byte #Define ASize 7 Dim AMotorSpeed(ASize) Dim AWait(ASize) Dim interval as byte AMotorSpeed = 58, 60, 95, 125, 95, 60, 58 AWait = 3, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1 'Load saved flight time EPRead 0, FTime EPRead 1, FMode if MCUSR.1=1 AND FMode=0 Then ' FTime=FTime+1 if FTime>9 Then FTime=1 EPWrite 0, FTime End If MCUSR.1=0 FMode=0 EPWrite 1, FMode FlashLed FTime Set WORK On Wait 5000 ms FMode=255 EPWrite 1, FMode 'Call the initialisation routine InitMotorControl ServoRotation = 25 'Main routine For interval = 1 to ASize 'Hold speed MotorSpeed = AMotorSpeed(interval) FlashLed 1 Wait AWait(interval) s ServoRotation = 125 Wait 1 s Set WORK Off Next FMode=0 EPWrite 1, FMode MotorSpeed = 0 Do NOP 'Stop Loop 'Setup routine Sub InitMotorControl 'Clear variables MotorSpeed = 0 ServoRotation = 0 PWMCounter = 0 'Add a handler for the interrupt On Interrupt Timer0Overflow Call PWMHandler 'Set up the timer using the internal oscillator with a prescaler of 1/2 (Equates to 0) 'Timer 0 starts automatically on a microcontroller, therefore, StartTimer is not required. InitTimer0 Osc, PS_0_1 SetTimer 0, 0 StartTimer 0 End Sub 'PWM sub 'This will be called when Timer 0 overflows Sub PWMHandler If MotorSpeed > PWMCounter Then Set MOTOR On Else Set MOTOR Off End If If ServoRotation > PWMCounter Then Set SERVO On Else Set SERVO Off End If PWMCounter += 1 If PWMCounter = 1250 Then PWMCounter = 0 ' Период 625 End Sub Sub FlashLed( Max ) Dim Speed as byte Wait 1000 ms For Speed = 1 to Max Set LED On Wait 100 ms Set LED Off Wait 400 ms Next End Sub'MOTOR ESC 62 - 125 'SERVO 25 - 150
The motor speed will vary from 0 to 15,600 rpm with a programmable time of 1 to 5 minutes.