Computer How To
Building a computer

Ram, CPU, Motherboard, CPU fan, Case, Power supply, and Thermal paste(Hard drive as well).
Install CPU

Open CPU latch and lift. Place CPU in with ZERO insertion force and make sure it is lined up with the triangles. Then close the hatch.
Install RAM
Make sure the RAM fits in and then push it in to lock it.
Put Board in Case and Screw Standoff Holes
Make sure the holes line up with the standoff bolts then screw.
Put Thermal Paste on CPU
Small pea sized drop in the center of the CPU
Place CPU Fan on CPU
Turn the legs counterclock wise and place in the holes then lock by turning where the arrows point on the legs. Plug in the CPU fan to the CPU fan pins
Plug 24 Pin Connecter In
take the 20/24 pin connector from the power supply to the adapter next to the RAM
Plug 4 Pin Connecter In
take connecter and plug in
Plug in Other Various Cords
Plug in all extra cables such as Case fans. They are labeled what they are and where they go. EX: Case fan or fan goes to a port labeled case fan or fan.