Computational Sculpture | Food Poisoning

by Hakeemm in Circuits > Art

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Computational Sculpture | Food Poisoning

Computational Sculpture Project


This computational sculpture project is based on real data fluctuations based on an API data source. This 2 partner project included a student from the sculpture class and a student from the physical computing class. The theme for this project is poison and me/my partner interpret this theme in a more objective way. Overall, the project represents a restaurant that opens when the food poisoning cases are below a certain number and vice versa.


The functionality of this project is dependent on the data source. I utilized the New York database and picked an API relating to food poisoning cases at restaurants. The API included a variety of data, however, for this project I used query parameters to get just one specific piece of data from the entirety of the database. I did this by creating a web-hook that would get his one piece of data anytime I call the web-hook in the code pushed to the argon. The data is updated daily and for this project I choose to base it on the previous week's data.


  • Web-hook is called to get the data from the API using query parameters
  • Servo set to 45°
  • Neo-pixel lights lite up
  • If total food poisoning is less than 57
  • The servo turns 45° and the door to the restaurant opens.
  • The liquid-crystal display shows the name of the projects restaurant, Which is Vintage Cafe (Chose by me and my partner).
  • The liquid-crystal display display also shows "Open".
  • If total food poisoning is greater than 57
  • The servo turns back to its original position (The door to the restaurant is closed)
  • The liquid-crystal display shows the name of the projects restaurant, Which is Vintage Cafe (Chose by me and my partner).
  • The liquid-crystal display also shows "Closed".

These are the two methods created to change the state of the liquid-crystal display.

void resturantOpen() {
    lcd->print("  Vintage Cafe  ");
    lcd->print("      Open      ");

void resturantClosed() {
    lcd->print("  Vintage Cafe  ");
    lcd->print("     Closed     ");


  • Servo
  • BreadBoard
  • Argon
  • Adafruit neopixel lights
  • liquid-crystal display
  • Wires
  • Cardboard
  • Aluminum foil
  • Polymer clay
  • Acrylic paint
  • Chipboard
  • Transparent plastic sheet


Details in introduction.