Color Tracking W/ CMUcam and MATLAB

by leevonk in Outside > Launchers

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Color Tracking W/ CMUcam and MATLAB

description of how to use my MATLAB code to get MATLAB to talk to a CMUcam to do simple color tracking.

How to Do Use the Code

connect the CMUcam to the computer via serial cable as mentioned inthe documentation (the grey serial adapter should be attached so that the ribbon cable sticks away from the camera).

connect the power to the white power socket on the CMUcam.

run the java GUI from their website to make sure the camera works
do a screen dump, click on a color you want to track (in the screen dump) click the color tab

write down the min and max color values (1st#=Redmin 2nd#=GreenMin 3rd#=BlueMin 4th#=RedMax 5th#=GreenMax 6th#=BlueMax)

Close the java GUI and open the MATLAB code (MATLABtoCMUcam.m) in the MATLAB mfile editor
change the Track Color (TC) values appropriately (format: Rmin Rmax Gmin Gmax Bmin Bmax)

change the COM# according to which COM port you're using to talk to your CMUcam (I was using a USB to Serial Adapter and it worked very well).

Run the program, you'll see 100 sets of coordinates stream down the screen, as you move your object around the coordinates will change.

NOTES: I attached the cmucam2 gui and manuals for your convenience. They were created by carnegie melon, not me, don't sue me. I didn't take that photo either. Only the MATLAB code was written by me. Not knowing matlab, I worked for a while to get the serial itnerface to work correctly and thought it would be helpful to others.