Color Changing Slime

We've been experimenting with different types of slime recipes and ingredients. My students (and I) all started with a base recipe and then changed it as they tried different things. Once we found a base white glue slime recipe we liked, we started adding things to change the slime and make it more interesting. This recipe is for color changing slime that is cold activated.


Mix 4oz of white glue and 3oz of warm water together. Add a small amount of your chosen color dust. The packets come with little spoons, so I usually use those add the powder.

Mix 1tsp of Borax with 1 cup of warm water. The slowly add a small amount of the water mixture to the glue and stir.

Remove the slime from your cup and knead by hand until it's no longer wet.
Changing Colors

The powder we used for this is thermal activated so when it becomes temperatures below 72 degrees, the color starts to change. We used ice cubes to demonstrate the color changing ability. Keep in an airtight container for longer use.
The first three pictures are of peach-to-red color changing dust and the second is vanilla-to-black. When the slime hits temperatures below 72 degrees the color changes. When the slime warms back up, it goes back to its original color.
The last picture is purple-to-blue heat activated powder.