Collage Initial Letter
My youngest child will be graduating from the University of New Mexico next month and I made this large letter E for her graduation party. It was fun going through all of my pictures and thinking about how fast the time has gone, it seems like just yesterday I was dropping her off at the dorms.
For this project you will need the following:
28" x 22" foam board
measuring tape
copies of photos (color or black & white)
Exacto craft knife
Mod Podge decopauge glue
small piece of felt
piece of string or embroidery floss
Cut Out a Letter
Draw out your letter onto the foam board. I measured it so it would be a large block letter but feel free to get fancy and creative.
Using the Exacto craft knife, carefully cut out the letter.
Glue Photos Onto Board
Working with the larger pictures first, arrange them on the letter. Overlap the photos about 1" over the edges so the paper will wrap around the sides of the 1/4" thick foam board. This will conceal the cut edges.
Begin working on one corner and using a small amount of decoupage glue, spread it on the foam board and carefully smooth out any air bubbles. Continue adding pictures, covering the entire board.
When the glue dries, turn the board over and glue the paper on the edges over to the back of the board.
Glue a piece of string at both ends to the back of the foam board near the top edge. Glue a small piece of felt over each end of the string to secure it.
Finished Product
Hang up your letter on the wall or set it on a shelf and enjoy!