ColecoVision Console LED MOD

This is the ColecoVision LED mod to make your console a little more modern looking while still playing all your favorite classics. It also serves as a power indicator!

- ColecoVision Console (of course)
- 12 volt RGB LED Strip
- Phillips Screwdriver
- Hot Glue Gun/Glue
- Soldering Iron/Solder
- Light Diffuser (optional)

Turn your console upside down and remove all 6 phillips screws then open it up carefully.
Prepare LEDs and Light Diffuser

I used an old milk jug and cut 2 rectangles out of it, one of them measuring 6"x4" and the other 5"x2", this will serve as my light diffuser. There are many different materials that can be used as diffusers, experiment with them and see what you like best.
Place the diffusers in the bottom and the top part of the shell of your console and glue into place.
Next I soldered a wire to the 12 volt positive lead on my LED strip and another wire to the color I wanted my console to light up as the negative lead. ( see image if confused )
Attaching LED Strip to the Console

The (red)positive wire from the LED strip needs to be soldered to the top left pin on the power switch for the console and the (black) negative wire needs to be attached to ground of the console (see image).
Position the LED strip to where the lights point towards the front of the console as well as the top and glue them into place.

Reassemble the console, and power it up!
Enjoy the lights as well as your favorite classic games!
Lots of thanks and credit goes to Alan Barringer, providing me with tons of info and pictures guiding me through this process.