Closet Organizer - Part I

by WildmanProject in Living > Organizing

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Closet Organizer - Part I

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Picture this…you are cleaning up your kids toys in the family room and you go to put them away in their closet. You go to their room, open the closet doors, toss the toys in, close the doors and hope they organize themselves while you are sleeping at night. Am I right? We have all done that. Well I said to my self, “enough is enough”, and I build a closet organizer for my daughters room.

First off, you need to come up with a plan. How may cubbies do you want. Do you need to hang stuff up. Do you need a place for shoes, toys, etc. Once you have an idea of what you want to organize, you need to come up with a design that will fit all your needs. I would say this is the most challenging part.

Once you have the design, building it is the easy part. I am going to guess and say you will be making a lot of square, which are easy to build. Don’t forget to think about getting the organizer from point A to point B. I build mine in my garage and had to take it up a flight of stairs. That sucker was HEAVY!

Dont forget to watch Part II.
