Climbing Drop Bear

The climbing bear or string climber is an old toy.
You make the bear climb by pulling down on alternative cords while 'locking' the other by taking it slightly to to side.
Once this bear reaches the top and the cords are released, it drops!
3cm long thin tube (x2)
15 cm long tube
Duct tape
Picture of a Drop Bear
Cardboard and Tubes

Cut a piece of cardboard to a 15cm by 23 cm rectangle. I sandwiched a piece of foam between 2 sheets of cardboard but cardboard alone should also work.
Cut a couple of 3cm lengths of tubing for the cords to travel through. Cut a top tube 15 cm long.

Stick the short tubes onto the cardboard at an angle towards each other using duct tape.
Attach a couple of cords to the top tube and feed them through the short tubes.
Test the cardboard will travel up the cords by suspending the top tube from a door nob and then pulling down on alternative cords.
Glue on the Drop Bear

Print off a picture of a drop bear and glue onto the cardboard. The cardboard was trimmed to fit the printout and a small sinker weight added at the bottom for balance, though this is optional.
Payload Conversion

The cardboard traveller can be converted into a payload carrier by attaching a beverage can with it's top removed.