Clay Bowl Doll

by WillyWatts in Craft > Art

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Clay Bowl Doll


this is a very simple project but it turned out much better than I expected it to.

a few years ago my mother and I took a pottery class, the result was this absolutely horribly made bowl. I have had no use for it over the years but kept it due to the emotional connection it held. this year for my mothers birthday I decided to turn that bowl we made into something special for her to hold onto. this was the result.


Handmade clay bowl
wooden art mannequin


5 minute epoxy
wooden skewer
duct tape
painters tape

Drilling the Bowl


take the clay bowl and find the center. Drill through the bowl very carefully and using successively larger drill bits to ensure it does not crack or break. using small amounts of water will also help the drill get through faster. drill until a hole is made the diameter of the wooden skewer.

Disassemble the Mannequin


disassemble the mannequin to reveal the cavity in to torso and hip region. drill a hole the diameter of the skewer in the hip portion.

take the skewer piece and roll duct tape around one end so that it is the same diameter and the inside of the torso of the mannequin. insert the duct tape end into the torso and epoxy it into place and wait to dry.

Full Assembly


place the bowl on the skewer up side down as it were a skirt and epoxy in place.

then with more epoxy glue down the bottom end of the skewer into the hip portion.

tape any areas of the mannequin that have epoxy around them to hold in place while it dries.

ALL DONE! stain if you like, I just left mine plain and it looks great! thanks for looking and happy making!