Clay 3D Print

My first experience with clay 3D printing.
Software: SKCam. Hardware: 3D Potter. Material: NARA Modeling clay.
Tool Path Generation

Using the radial symmetry tool in SKCam, I defined nine axes and drew a simple shape. I used the repeat tool, with a small degree of rotation and a slight scale down to create the first fifteen layers. I then, from the 15th layer, scaled back up and rotated in reverse back to the original size and position. I exported the g-code file for the 3D Mini Potter.
Preparation and Printing

With help, I mounted the prepared tube of NARA to the 3D Potter Clay 3D Printer, and loaded the g-code file to the web app. After zeroing the nozzle, I began the print. The print had trouble adhering to the bed at first, but with some manual manipulation, I was able to get the material to stack correctly after the second layer. I observed the print throughout the process, to make sure there were no deformations. After it was done, I used to a scalpel tool to remove visible irregularities from the bottom layer.
Continued Work
I'll continue to fire and glaze the piece. Next time, I'll make the rotation effect between layers more obvious.