Clapping Switch With BC547 Transistor
by Utsource123 in Circuits > Sensors
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Clapping Switch With BC547 Transistor

Hii Friend,
Today I am going to make a circuit of Clapping switch with BC547 Transistor.In Earlier We made clapping switch using LM555 IC.
Let's get started,
Take All Components As Shown Below

Components required -
(1.) Transistor - BC547 x1
(2.) Microphone x1
(3.) Capacitor - 25V 47uf x1
(4.) Resistor - 1M x1
(5.) Resistor - 10K x1
(6.) Resistor - 120K x1
(7.) Battery - 9V
(8.) Battery clipper
(9.) LED - 3V x1
(10.) Resistor - 220 ohm x1
Transistor - BC547

C - Collector
B - Base and
E - Emmiter
Circuit Diagram

This is the circuit diagram of this project.
Connect all components according to this circuit diagram.
Connect Both Transistors

Firstly we have to connect both transistors.
Solder Collector Pin of transistor-1 to Base pin of transistor-2 as solder in the picture.
Connect 47uf Capacitor

Next we have to connect 47uf capacitor.
Solder -ve pin of capacitor to base pin of transistor-1.
Connect Emmiter Pin of Both Transistor

Next Solder emmiter pin of transistor-1 to transistor-2 as solder in the picture.
Connect 10K Resistor

Solder 10K Resistor to +ve pin of capacitor.
Connect 1M Resistor

Next solder 1M Resistor to base pin of transistor-1.
Connect 120K Resistor

Solder 120K Resistor to collector pin of transistor-1 as solder in the picture.
Connect 220 Ohm Resistor

Solder 220 ohm resistor to -ve leg of LED.
Connect LED to Circuit

Solder 220 ohm resistor which is connected to -ve leg of LED to the Collector Pin of Transistor-2 as solder in the picture.
Connect +ve Leg of LED

Solder +ve leg of LED to 10K,1M and 120K resistor as you can see in the picture.
Connect MIC

Solder +ve wire of MIC to +ve pin of Capacitor and
solder -ve wire to emmiter pin of Transistors as you can see in the picture.
Connect Battery Clipper Wire

Now we have to connect battery clipper wire to the circuit.
Solder +ve wire of battery clipper to +ve leg of LED and
solder -ve wire of battery clipper to Emmiter pin of transistors as you can see in the picture.
And Connect Battery to battery clipper.
To activate LED Do Clap.
Thank you