Circuit Scribe OR Gate
A logical OR gate using the circuit scribe development kit
Here's are
OR : HERE !!
What You Need
Conductive ink pen
Electroninks magnetic component ruler (The transparent plastic thing with holes)
A non conductive surface for magnetic components to snap-on (comes with kit)
Circuit scribe magnet attachable electronics:
-2 NPN transistors
-3 Resistor holders
-2 SPST switches
-1 Battery Connector
-1 9V battery
-1 LED
-3 10k Ohm resistors
For parts not found in magnetic circuitscribe kit we use regular electronic component and tape it to paper
-Duct tape
-Multimeter (Optional - Makes life easier)
Drawing the Circuit
I take it for garnted that you know how to read a schematic, If not go find a tutorial.
When drawing the circuit with conductive ink it is easy to screw up as you can see in the attached image (Most certainly when sleepy), When in need of removing a fase connection the best way is to sever it using a cutter (carefully!) or by scarping with the probes of a multimeter until paper is cut (easier)
Make sure to use the ruler to mark the distance between the two ends of a magnetic component and fill the holes at around 90%.
After drawing the circuit with conductive ink use a connectivity tester on a multimeter and ensure that your connections are conducting.
Simply, insert the snap-on surface (The rectangular thing that magnetic components snap-on) below the paper and start adding magnetic components where intended, If you as I did lacked a magnetic component fear not, in the place it should've been fetch a regular electronic component with the same function and firmly attach to the circles where the magnetic one would stick using duct tape
sometimes after drawing you find that 2 components are made too close together that to fit one the other needs to be offset a little bit this can be fixed by enlarging the holes
If all is well you should have a working OR gate, If not go over with multi-meter and check voltage and resistances and look for shorts