Circuit Playground Uke Tuner
by yvonne.bass in Circuits > Arduino
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Circuit Playground Uke Tuner

My roommates and I all play ukeleles.
It is annoying because we always have to look up tuners online. I thought it would be really convenient to have the note on a device with just the click of the button.
thin wire (soldering wire is fine)
circuit playground & battery pack
felt (of 2 colors, I used brown and black)
4 Buttons/beads (this is optional, this makes it look like the tuning pegs)
cardboard (I used paper plates)
Code Your Playground!

You can adjust this code to play whatever note you choose, therefore making this tuner applicable to a different instrument
Cut Out Your Shape

Your tuner could really take any shape you would want. I went for the classic ukelele shape.
I used paper plates and a hot dog carton from Maverik - but any sturdy base that you can pierce with your wires will do!
then cut out your felt to hot glue on to your base!
Wrapping Wires

pierce the wires through your base and felt. Then attach them to your circuit playground on the appropriate pins. I used A1, A2, A3 and A4
Cover the Wires Where Needed

You are almost there!
When I was testing out this project, I decided to cover up a larger area of the wires so that I had a place to grip onto without playing notes accidentally.