Circuit Design for Obstacle Avoidance Robot
by robowiz2011 in Circuits > Arduino
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Circuit Design for Obstacle Avoidance Robot

This is an experiment, wherein I built a circuit on TinkerCAD for an Obstacle Avoidance Robot.
In this case, the simulation circuit makes the robot to move in the right direction whenever it encounters an obstacle less than 30 cm in front of it, i.e., the left motor starts moving forward and the right motor starts moving backward, resulting in the robots' turning towards right side. Or else both the motors continue to move forward, resulting in the robots' forward movement.
Components Required

Following are the components required to make this circuit:
1 unit - Breadboard1 unit - Arduino Uno R32 units - Hobby gear motors1 unit H - brigde Motor Driver1unit - Ultrasonic Distance sensor,and some wires
Connection of Wires

Make the connections using TinkerCAD software as per the above image.

Assemble the code blocks as per the above image using TinkerCAD software .