Ciclop 3d Scanner My Way Step by Step

by xxreef in Circuits > Arduino

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Ciclop 3d Scanner My Way Step by Step

Ciclop 3D Scanner tangerine scan

Hi all,

I'm going to realize the famous Ciclop 3D scanner.

You can find the updated version here

and I also add all the missing files and manuals.

All the steps that are well explained in the original project aren't present.

I made some fixes to simplify the process, first I print the base, and then I restilize the PCB, but go on.

Printing and Assembly Part


For assembly part the best solution is to refer to origina documantation

in multilanguage and well explained.

The printed part are quite simple to assembling.

There are a lot of video also, the official one is this.

New Base


The only piece that is difficult to find is the Plexiglass base, so I design a printable one with my Anet A8 3d printer.

You can find the project here .

Little Fix


Another problem is that you can probably find a low cost laser that don't fit on orginal holder.

The common laser is 12mm laser.

So you can use this printed variant.

Another problem is to stop the rotating part, I think the better solution is to use a rubber band, as you can see in the pictures.

PCB Homemade

ciclob board schema.PNG

For this project I made a PCB fully compatible with the original one Zum scan is more complex, but all additional features is unused.

My version is for Arduino Nano, so It's more little than the original one.

If you don't have the skill to auto produce PCB you can use the gerber file that you can find in the aricle to sent to the factory that produce PCB like .

PCB Etching

I never used this technic, but I add to this step the svg file or PDF for production.

Milling PCB

I use this technic for my personal production, about this I write 2 article:

The first is a step by step guide to create a portable CNC perfect and optimized for CNC Milling.

Here the guide.

Than a previous guide that explain step by step how to use the machine, how to create a PCB and how to create a file for production.

Here the other guide.

Milling PCB: Get File for Production

I add here the file for production, the gerber or directly the gcode for the milling machine.


Milling PCB: the Milling Process

Cyclone PCB Factory bCNC milling with autolevel

First mill the copper bottom, then drill the hole.

Milling PCB: Clean the Work


Than use sand paper to made the board flat and clean.

Soldering the Component

ciclob board schema.PNG

For this board I use:

  • Arduino Nano
  • A4988 Stepper driver
  • 2x 1k resistor
  • 1x 10k resistor
  • 2x 2n2222 transistor
  • 5.5 Barrel for input voltage

I use 12v 2A power supply (to the barrel) to power a stepper driver.

Than the usb connector is enough for laser and Arduino.

Firmware and Software


You can download the firmware to upload to the Arduino from here

As described in the guide the camera is a Logitech C270 HD webcam, the driver here.

You can find software here.

if you have some trouble to download you can go here.



First I test all without camera, and It's work well.

You can use the ino file to check laser and stepper.

Continue Assembling


Than I add camera, fix board and add a black paper on the top of platform.


Ciclop 3D scanner calibration

There are a lot of video about calibration, this step is very simple.

I realize this minimal video with my new Ciclop.

First Mandarin Test

Ciclop 3D Scanner tangerine scan

In this video I only scan the object, but to have a good image you must do some post processing with a software like MeshLab.


Now start scan all.