
by BuildingBrothers in Living > Health

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The Basic Premise of Christianity

The basic premise of Christianity is that humans are sinners, and I mean sinners to the very core of their beings. Because we are by nature God hating sinners, we need someone pure and holy to save us from the righteous and holy wrath of God. That some one could only be God in flesh: Jesus Christ, God the Son. Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, took on human form in order to live a perfect life so he could pay for all of our sins by dying on the cross. He showed that He payed for all of our sins by rising again in the same body that he died in. Salvation is in Jesus Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone, and not by any form of works.

Who Is Jesus?

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Jesus is God. Plain and simple. Fully human and fully divine. He is not Michael the archangel. Not the first born spirit child of a heavenly union. Not a human in tune with the divine consciousness. And he is certainly not just a good teacher. He is God. And you need to treat him that way. That means trusting in him for salvation from sin and the wrath of God i.e. Hell. You need to follow his commandments and worship him as God. He is coming back to judge the unbelieving world and he will come back as a warrior against the unrepentant sinners who have spurned him and his offer of grace. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the only way to the Father and eternal life, the only Truth that saves and the only way to Eternal Life. There are so many other things about Jesus that it would make this section pages long. Please read the bible, specifically the four gospels to find out more.

Who Is God?

God is the Holy, righteous, just, sin hating, loving creator of the universe. He is all powerful, all knowing and omnipresent. God is a Trinity, one in essence, three in person. He exists outside of time and is eternal. He has always existed and will always exist. He is always the same, yesterday, today and in the future, he never changes. He loved the world so much that he sent God the Son ( Jesus Christ) to reconcile sinful humanity to himself through his death and resurrection.

What Is Sin and Why Is It Relevant?

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Sin is anything that breaks Gods law and does not meet up with his standard of perfection. As human we are born sinners and children of the devil and the wrath of God. God cannot have sin in his presence and must punish it through sending the doer of sin to hell for all eternity. No matter what people say, sin is a deliberate act of rebellion against God and his law and must be punished. No matter who you are or what good deeds you have done, you deserve hell because you have sinned against God. But there is good news.


Salvation is the good news. It is found solely in Jesus Christ and in nothing else, not meditation, not allah, not reincarnation, only Jesus as described in the Bible and the Bible only. Salvation happens when a sinner who is regenerated by God the Holy Spirit places his faith in Jesus Christ and repents of his/her sins. Salvation is where a sinner is no longer seen as a vessel of wrath but is imputed with the righteousness of Christ so that he/she is born again into Gods family. Again read the bible if you want to learn more. Believe, and Repent, that all it takes. God will save you if you cry out to him and he will grant you repentance and faith. Read the bible, specifically Paul's letters to find out more.


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I will add to this as I get it vetted and learn more. Feel free to ask me questions in the comments as well, I will try to answer them as best I can but I recommend reading Gods Word the Bible first because it is completely true. I use the ESV which is a good version. I am sorry for any mistakes I have made and I will correct them to be more biblical if nessessary.