Chore App to Maintain Chores

I made an app that you can make and maintain chores. There is a calendar that can show when your chores are do. There is also an email notification bot just in case you need the extra reminder.
I made this app because my stepdad needed a way to maintain chores in the house because it is a mess.

You need a computer that is reliable.
Setting Up a Google Sheet
These steps show how to set up a Google Sheet which is the baseline for the app.
- Open Google Sheets and create a new document.
- Name A1 ID, B1 Task Name, C1 Due Date, D1 Status, and E1 Person
Making and Customizing the App

This step shows how to make the app function and allows you to customize the app.
- Go to Appsheet and link the Google Sheet
- Name the new app “Chores App”
- Click on the UX tab on the left side of the screen
- Press the tab below Primary View
- Press “table” below View type
- Go to Sort by and put “Due Date” for the first box and “Ascending” for the second box
- Go to Group by and put “Status” and “Descending”
- Go to Display, go to the tab below Icon, type in “tractor” and choose any of the three tractors
- Then go to Data then Columns and click on the box
- Go through the things and make sure that it says and check mark the boxes in the picture above.
- Press the little pencil next to the “Status” column and add the values “Incomplete” and “Complete.” Do the same thing with the “Person” column but place the people instead.
- Go to your actual app and scroll down and click on the view
- Scroll down and click on the ref view which includes your documents name then detail
- Add card layout and you can customize how the task details can look in here, you can customize it by changing the header layout.
- After you are done customizing the layout, go to “Quick edit columns” and add a column with “Status”
- Go to UX then Format and create a new format rule
- Name it Complete and type in the box below “If this condition is true” [Status] = “Complete”
- Go down and press Task Name for “Format these columns and actions” and go to Visual Format and choose green for the text name
- Do the same thing but for Incomplete and instead of green choose red.
Making the Calendar Function

- This step may be optional but it will make a calendar that allows you to see when your chores are do.
- Go to data and then slices and create a new slice
- Name it “Incomplete Slice” and put [Status] = “incomplete” in the row filter condition bar
- Go to UX and make a new view called “Calendar” and press the calendar as view type and choose the “Incomplete Slice” as the box for “For this data”
- Go to view options and mark the boxes as seen on above:
- Go to display then the Icon and choose a calendar icon
- Then go to UX and then Ref views then go to the App detail and copy it
- Name the new copy Incomplete Detail and put “Incomplete Slice as the “For this data” box
Making the Email Notification Bot
This step is optional but it shows you how to make a bot that emails you the day before so that you know.
- Go to the Automation and then Bots
- Make a new bot and call it “Email Notification Bot”
- Press “Configure event” and type in “Email Event”
- On the right of the screen, press the little gear symbol above your app, Press Schedule for Event Type, choose your app for the table.
- Press Daily for Schedule and put a desired time to email you.
- Turn on the switch below “ForEachRowInTable”
- For Filter Condition type in (TODAY()+1)=[Due Date]
- Add another step and enter “If [Status] is Incomplete
- Below that box change Run a Task to Branch on Condition
- For the box type in [Status] = “Incomplete”
- Then below the Yes add a task and search up send an email to the app user and tap it
- Then type in “Reminder!” in the Email subject
- The final step of the email bot is to type in “ You have <<[Task Name]>> due tomorrow!”