Chocolate Chocolate-Chip Cookies
I like to bake cookies with my mom. We were making chocolate chip cookies one day. But I thought we could make them more chocolaty-er. So, I added an extra ¼ cup of coco(a) powder to my mom’s recipe.
(Dad here. My daughter just had an Instructable [3D-Stress-Cube], her first and she was a runner-up in the Math Contest, so she suggested that my son enter a contest too. He loves to bake, and this is a variation on chocolate chip cookies that he “invented” with my wife. I will add some commentary to clarify some steps if I think it is necessary, but will leave it as he typed [maybe add spelling corrections] otherwise.)
This is everything we use(d) to make the cookies (Apparatuses):
Stand mixer (or any mixer)
Cookie sheets
Cookie scoop (we had 2 sizes)
Cooling racks
Non-stick spray
½ cup of granulated sugar
½ cup of packed brown sugar
1 cup of softened butter, or margarine if you must (We are from Wisconsin, so margarine is verboten.)
1 egg
¼ cup coco(a) powder
2 ¼ cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
½ package of semi-sweet chocolate chips (personally I would have dumped the whole bag, but it’s not my recipe)
Preheat oven to 375°F. Mix (cream) sugars, butter and egg. Stir in coco(a) powder, baking soda, salt, (I love my Oxford comma) and flour. Stir in chocolate chips.
Drop dough on greased cookie sheet. Bake 8-10 minutes, really depends on your oven. Centers should be soft. (At least that is how my wife likes them. I prefer harder cookies [especially these] so I can dip them in milk [again, Wisconsin.]) Remove to Cooling racks.
Tools and Ingredients Used

Preheat Oven to 375(°F)

First Add ½ Cup Granulated Sugar

Then Add ½ Cup of (packed) Brown Sugar

And Then Add 2 Sticks of Softened Butter

Then Add One Egg

(NOT THE SHELL, hopefully you only make that mistake once.)
Stir Until It Looks Creamy

(Everything should be incorporated.)
And Then You Add 1 Tsp of Baking Soda

Then Add ½ Tsp of Salt

And Add ¼ Cup of Coco(a) Powder

(This is what makes this cookie special.)
Then Add 2¼ Cup of All Purpose

(Be careful and add only ½ -1 cups at a time and mix. This will, hopefully, prevent clouds of flour and a gaunt visage.)
Stir Well (while) You Put Them In

Keep Stirring Until It All (is Evenly) Brown

Then You Add ½ Package of Chocolate Chips

(Again, I would use the whole bag, I mean, whoever complained about TOO many chocolate chips?)
Then You Get All the Dough Off

Now It’s Time for Cleanup

(Best to keep mom happy.)
Now You (grease) Some Cookie Sheets

(May not be necessary, depends on the seasoning of your sheets.)
Then You Get a Cookie Scoop and Scoop the Cookie (Dough Balls) Onto the Cookie Sheet

You can add some big ones if you want.
Then You Set the Timer on the Oven to 8-10

(We are setting for 10 minutes.)
Put the Cookie(s) in the Oven

When the Timer's Done...

Take the cookies out and put them on a cooling rack.
And if (you) made big ones, you put those on too.
Watch Out for Cracked Cookies!

(This was our one unfortunate casualty and we had to eat it right away.)
Now We Eat

(Quality control is very essential in all baking endeavors.)
Oh, and Don’t Forget to Wash the Bowl

(Again, it is best to keep mom happy, and she loved the cookies as well.)
Final Thoughts...
Dom's final thoughts:
(I) enjoyed sharing this recipe with you(.)
Dad's final thoughts:
It was fun making cookies with my son. He really does enjoy time in the kitchen and baking, especially for his mother.
This is an entry in the Cookie Contest, so if you liked it and feel so inclined, please vote for Dom's Cookies.
Also, if you have any suggestions, please comment below. I will try and have Dom reply to all of them, with little editing from me. :)