Chevron Friendship Bracelet

by doodle_bug in Craft > Knitting & Crochet

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Chevron Friendship Bracelet

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Here is a new pattern called the chevron. It's a great and easy gift for any friend.

Getting Started


All you need to make this friendship bracelet is:
1. Embroidery floss or yarn
2. Tape
3. Scissors

Get four different colors of embroidery floss or yarn, and measure them all about 60 inches long.

Tie four strings in half and make a knot at the top. This gives you eight strings. Order them 12344321. 

This is the basic knot of aaaaallllllllll friendship bracelets. Hold the 1st string in your left hand, and the 2nd in your right. Take string 1 and cross it over 2, it should kind of look like a number four. Pull string 1 through the number four. Now pull the knot tight. 


Tie string #1 on 2,3,and 4, going from left to right.  Remember to tie two knots on each string!
Now take string 1 on the right side and do the same thing. Tie #1 on 2,3,and 4, going right to left.

The two strings of the same color should end up beside each other. Tie them in a double knot. Now start the process over with the next first color.

Repeat this step over and over until your bracelet is as long as you like!!