Cheapest Way to Design a Tshirt

by artworker in Craft > Printmaking

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Cheapest Way to Design a Tshirt

Few days back my brother in law won a national science fair representing his school. So my wife was looking for something good to give him as a goft for the same. But she din't find anything good to give him. So I chipped in to design a customized Tshirt for him.

Looking for the Basic Components

I went online and gathered some images.
1. A 555 schematic
2. A DNA helix
3. Periodic table
4. An image of radiation
5. An image of algae

Clubbing Them

Now the fun part begins. Hopelessly I dont have photoshop or coral draw on my machine. So I took the help from my age old friend, the Powerpoint.
Surprisingly Powerpoint 2010 has most of the features available that I was looking for to design the image.
Created a beaker, a test tube , a warning sign and some funny text.


Went to my friendly tshirt designing website.
They have a very beautiful interface to design the tshirt.
Just few clicks and you are done. You can upload images or use their predefined images. I used the images I created.
Saved the design and put it to print.


The tshirt is yet to be delivered! The people at are saying it will reach by saturday or monday. Lets hope my brother in law likes his custom tshirt.

Added the PPT as ible is not allowing me to add the PPTX, if anybody will use it.
