When I see USB contest I was thinking about USB LED light which I wanted already to do in the past. So now I made LED light. Always when I must open my computer and look for some number, add or remove some component, or else, I looking for some light. And when I find flash light, the battery doesn't working, then I searching for battery, of course I don't find any good one. Lets start building USB LED Light.
First what we need of parts;
- USB Cable
- Two white LED
- One 220Ohm resistor
- Some protective thin tubes
First what we need of parts;
- USB Cable
- Two white LED
- One 220Ohm resistor
- Some protective thin tubes
Now we must solder together LED diodes. Diode have A - anode [+] and K - cathode [-]. We must solder together anodes and cathodes.
First must cut off useless end of cable, peen isolation of cable and cut off useless cable.
Now we prepare all parts. Now we must just solder together.
This LED Light is very useful, cheap and simple to build. To avoid troubles of search I store light in my computer.
I must apologise for my bad English. I hope that you like my first project on this site.
Have fun!
I must apologise for my bad English. I hope that you like my first project on this site.
Have fun!