Charging Station With Individual Switches

by diyrico in Workshop > Organizing

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Charging Station With Individual Switches


Hello, here's another project of a charging station, based on various found around here, special thanks to PROD for the switches idea. It´s very basic, in terms of woodkrafting and electricity.

Material Used

I've just used some spares around the house:

- Wine wooden box and furniture felt pads

- A piece of plywood (from the back of a frame)

- A piece of EVA foam

- Few brass gromits and pushpins

- Wire, "female" outlets, wire conectors, terminal blocks, rocker switches, a/c outlet.

- basic tools

Preparing the Box


Picked a wine wooden box and inserted in the bottom four Tap-In Felt Furniture Pads.

Drilled a hole in the back and aplied a gromit to the A/C cable.

Didn´t made any protection on the wood, but i would like to apply in the future some varnish to give a rustic look to the box.

Cut the Plywood, and Apply the EVA Foam


Cut the plywood and the EVA foam at the same size in a way that it can enter the box tightly. Fix the EVA foam with four pushpins to the plywood.

Apply the shelf holders further down in the front of the box , so the plywood lid stays in diagonal.

Drill the Holes and Apply the Gormits


Drilled four holes in the EVA foam with the brass gromit itself and in the plywood with a wood drill. I've made a slot from the hole to the edge of the plywood (under the EVA) and "opened" 2 gormits so the 2 larger outlets can pass through the holes.

The Electric Insert


Wired the female outlets to each other and to the switches.

Tested outside the box.

Drill the Switches Holes


Drilling and filing...

Insert the Electric Inside the Box, Connect to the Switches, A/C Cord


Bad pictures... just a knot in the A/C cord so it cant be pulled from the outside.

That's It!


Finished! Nice good looking charging station for portable apliances (nokia charger, 1 x mini usb , 2 x micro usb).

In conclusion, e realize that the box is unnecessary to high and would look much better with a rustic finish.

The major problem was the switches rectangular holes, a lot of filing...

The next fase will be apply an A/C inlet at the side of the box, just as ejpierle did so well.

Sorry for the english (not native). Any doubt just ask!