Chainmail-Bra Kitty-Tank

Hi there,
Well, seeing that i still get more followers though not having published recent stuff for so long took me to post sumthin more rite now, so this is one of my last projects, actually ready performed last January in 2013 for my friend "Kitty Wild". I wanted to do sumthin more than just chainmail using a couple of crafts i know about. This contains parts from chainmail, taylorship and leatherworking. Basically containing a fur-coated mask, a coat and a skirt made from fakefur and synthetic leather (the way nastiest fabrics you can work with), a chainmail bra, suspenders made from fakefur and chainmail and parts i cut off a cuspid cat-suit from ebay. I also tried to make sum of these animatronic cat ears ( ), but never finished them.
Chainmail-Bra Front

Startin with the chainmail bra:
I used parts that i already invented before used in chainmail-bra new version as the shoulder pads, cups, neck chain and so on, so i just list the parts that i added.
Attached to the neck chain (rondo/helm variant) are several claws that i cut from steel band. You get this band commonly from building sites, they use it to tense pallets, after opening these pallets, the band is torn away, so it's easy to get sum. For cutting use common metal shears.
I added sum flower chains to the shoulder pads and put suspender holders at the ends.
Cups are connected to B^3. And i added sum CIR (captive inverted round) chains as push-ups.
From B^3 down is a line of Byzantine with added bigger rings to attach the 3 lines of different ornament chains (each chain is connected with clasps):
First chain is a simple Byzantine
Second chain are scales connected to each other using byzantine technique.
Third chain is a flower chain. Those tulip alike chains that go down from there are made from byzantine again with added small scales and bigger Rings encompassing a tiny bell.
Additionally i attached a tiny keyring pendant in form of a cat with strass gems that i bought from ebay (china product)

On the back i used simple E4in1 joining in a hourglass unit (same thing as the cup centers of my "chainmail-bra new version). I added one ring to the lower middle to attach the ornament chains 1 and below that one is sumthin that i made from well.. actually i dunno anymore; i can remember that it's a helm variant: you have to make three helm chains and interconnect them diagonally, when you do so, you get this image of six outer rings encompassing another outer ring and if you take this piece out of the whole chain you get the unit i used. I dunno the name anymore and mailleartisans library is definately growin too big from idiots seekin fame for simple variants - it's quite similar to Crenelated-3 Sheet.
Sleeves and Stockings
This is quite easy. Just cut off the arms and legs from a cuspid cat-suit and fold the ends over sum rubber bands and sew it together with zigzag stitch.

You have to measure the taille of your model, take a bit away of this length. Draw a line, mark the points with rectangular lines for the front and back straps and the tail in the middle. Choose a length for these rectangular points (i made fur part of the front straps shorter than the part of the back staps). Now draw round lines from each end of the base line to the marked points. For the tail you need more fur as it's not doubled with lining, so give it more fabric to the sides. Now you copy that drawing to your fakefur, cut out the fakefur and cut off the hair of the allowances as you certainly don't want your machine gettin the fur stuck in it's transport. Copy the drawing to sum lining fabric (i used sum stretchy useless stuff i had lying around - it won't be visible anyways in the end), but leave out the tail. Cut out the lining.
Now make sum Byzee Beez to Butterflies chains with a bigger ring on one end and suspender holder at the other end. Sew the big ring to a short piece of rubber band (5cm should be enough); turn off your machine's transport and use zigzag stitch to attach the ring to the band, you need two stitched points to keep things from moving. Now trial and error. hold the band on sum point of the fur to see where to attach it, so that the chains will look out of the fabric when not stretched as well as when stretched but not showing off the rubberband. Sew the rubber band to the fur (short stepped lines should work, but becareful when removing the fabric from your machine, hair might stuck in the transport).
Make sum rondo chains, add a clasp, sew the ends to the ends of the fur with turned off transport again. If the taille length doesn't fit you can remove the clasp and remove or add chain rings when you're finished with this step.
Sew the tail to a round thing and flip it using sum stick of cooking spoon/broomstick/whatever.
Now sew the lining to the fur. Leave open the part of the tail (should be about 8cm or so) make sure you don't sew together the openings for the chains and be sure you don't sew over the chains - that might damage your machine. Now turn the fabric through the tail-hole to the right side and you're done.

Well this is probably quite impossible for most of you as you don't get the material and/or tools, if you will want to use leather.
You have to get sum half-tanned leather, draw a mask which includes contort the surface of a face to a flat piece, dip the leather into water, crush it and tear it over a face mould pressing the leather into form again and again while it's drying out.
But i guess, you can also buy sum plastic mask.
I cut off sum black cow fur and glued it onto the mask. Then i bought a new broom (we needed a new one anyways) and cut off sum of the black hair. I pinched holes into the nose part and stuck the hair into it, glued it from the back. Then i simply punched holes into the mask, made flower chains and spiral chains (right spin and left spin) and attached them.

Basically the same technique as in my claw's ible. I glued sum fakefur to the blade holders, put tension springs to each blade end and connected 2x2 to a ring, then i took another ring and wrapped it with the tiniest rings i got, it's simply 2in2 and attached the big rings that hold the blades on the other end i put flower chains and crocodile clasps to attach to the cuspid sleaves and a carabine on one end to close around the wrists and added sum shiny red scales.
Coat / Skirt

For the coat i took sum normal fashion jacket pattern. I cut out the pattern parts of the front and back, put them next to each other with the lower bases in line and fixed them with removable adhesive tape to a big sheet of paper, drew a tail and sum front flaps and drew rounds to the sides connecting fronts and backs. I shortened the sleaves by about 20cm and replaced them with fakefur manchettes, leaving open the back seam.
For the coat i just used 4 rectangles, sewed together the back parts for about 10cm and put velcro to the front, therefore the front parts are a lil bit bigger to overlap. Then i reinforced the sides with leather strips (glued to the synthetic leather, wrapping the allowances around) and put gromets into the leather. and threaded gum band into them. You should also put sum belt/strap in the top of these rectangles to keep the rectangles from moving against each other.