Cephalopod Tendrils With White Wine Steamed Bivalves

by Tye Rannosaurus in Cooking > Pasta

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Cephalopod Tendrils With White Wine Steamed Bivalves

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No truly elegant dining experience is complete without a pasta component, and no pasta component is quite as rich or as darkly decadent as our homemade cephalopod tendrils. Made from the freshest ingredients, including squid ink, this pasta is not only dark, but has a briny hint to it that pairs perfectly with our white wine steamed bivalves.

This meal might take a bit of time, but it's certainly worth the effort.

Gather Your Ingredients...

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Serves: Two souls

For the pasta you will need:

  • 1 1/2 Cups white flour. sifted
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Tablespoons black squid ink/cuttlefish ink
  • 1 Pinch of salt (not too much, the ink has a fair amount in it already)

A quick note about black squid ink/cuttlefish ink. Although it is not always a regular staple item of most grocery stores, it is readily available online. Be aware that a small amount goes a long ways in both color and saltiness.

Well, Well, Well


Start by first pushing your flour into a pile in the center of your work area and hollowing out a small well in the middle.

Crack your eggs into the well and add your squid ink.

I Knead You in My Life

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With a fork, beat the eggs and squid ink mixture until smooth. Little by little, incorporate the flour, allowing it to be fully absorbed before adding in more flour.

When the liquids are mostly absorbed and it's difficult to continue to use the fork to mix your dough, switch to your hands and begin kneading instead. As you knead, continue to add in flour, making sure to keep watch on how dry your dough is becoming. If it feels as though it's getting too stiff, hold off on adding in any more flour.

You want a smooth, almost silky dough that is pliable but not sticky. Once your dough has come together, place it in a bowl, cover in plastic wrap and allow to rest for at least two hours in a cool dry environment.

This Is How We Roll...

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If you plan on making your dough ahead of time, keep in mind it will store well in the fridge for up to 24 hours as long as you allow it to come to room temperature for at least one hour before rolling out.

Once the dough has been allowed to rest one hour, it's time to roll it out. Divide your dough ball into quarters. Roll out 1/4 at a time, keeping the rest in the bowl and covered to prevent drying out. If you have a pasta machine, slowly feed your dough through all the while decreasing your pasta setting until you achieve the thickness you desire. If rolling by hand using a rolling pin, be sure to keep your pin well dusted with flour to prevent sticking. Once you are happy with the thickness of your pasta, begin slicing ribbons in the thickness you desire.

Musseling In

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For the steamed white wine bivalves, you will need:

  • 1/2 lb mussels
  • 1/2 Fresh lemon, juiced
  • 1 Tablespoon butter
  • 1 Cup white wine
  • 1/2 Teaspoon garlic, finely diced
  • 1/2 Teaspoon parsley, finely chopped
  • 1 Teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 Teaspoon coarse sea salt
  • Fresh Cephalopod tendril pasta (from above recipe)

Getting All Steamed Up

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Once your pasta is fully sliced, cook it immediately in a pot of well salted boiling water with a tablespoon of olive oil added. You want to make sure to check it to ensure it cooks al dente and doesn't get overcooked and mushy.

Generally it takes around 5 minutes in rapidly boiling water to cook.

While your pasta is cooking, bring to a simmer your white wine, olive oil, butter, garlic and lemon juice. Add in your mussels and cover, allowing to steam for between 3-5 minutes. You will know your mussels are done and ready when the majority of them open. Discard any closed mussels as those are no good.

Drain your pasta. Pour your mussels and broth over your pasta and toss well to coat.


For a truly darkly delicious treat, serve with a side of still warm "Black like my Soul Bread" and butter.

Bone Appetite!

I have even more disgustingly delicious recipes available online both through Instructables.com as well as my blog, The Necro Nom-nom-nomicon. Enjoy and have a deliciously disgusting Halloween!!