Do You Have a Psychic Super Power?

by AndyGadget in Living > Pranks, Tricks, & Humor

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Do You Have a Psychic Super Power?

Some people have a Psychic Super Power which allows them to interfere with TV transmissions. Read on for more . . .

Do You Have the Psychic Power?

Remember Uri Geller and his spoon-bending? He's not the only one with Special Powers. It is a little known fact that a small percentage of the population have an ability to interfere with TV reception on the old type CRT televisions. (It will not work with flat panel LCD or plasma screens.)

To see if you are one of the few, concentrate very hard on the TV picture and think of making it jitter. At the same time, you should hum a low note which will aid the concentration. Vary the tone of the hum, and at some point you may see the screen begin to wobble as your psychic energy synchronises with the TV signal.

Using the Power.

If you are one of the lucky few who have the special ability, practice using it for a while, and discreetly get someone to observe the effect (without revealing you have this Tremendous Power).

Frustrate your friends (as long as they have the right type of TV) by making their telly jitter for a while, then stopping when they get up to try and fix it. As with all Super Powers, you should use this one wisely and in moderation.

Only read on once you have become a True Master Of The Power.


Have you demonstrated your new-found ability to your friends and family? Do they now think of you in a different way? Do they look at you with awe and admiration, or just a bit strangely?

Forget the "psychic powers". The trick is in the humming, and as you may have guessed, only you can see the effect.

An old CRT type TV set has a dot which sweeps lines across the screen, working its way down to the bottom. This happens 50 times a second for UK sets, 60 times a second for US ones. This is called the 'refresh rate'. The humming causes your head to vibrate and your eyes to wobble ever so slightly. When you get near the refresh rate of the TV (50 or 60 Hz) what is called a 'beat frequency' is set up, which is the difference between the pitch of your humming and the refresh rate of the TV. If you are humming at 65Hz (in the US), the picture will appear to move at a rate of 5 times a second.

The real trick with this is to tell a friend about the Super Power. Go along with it a bit, Tell him you can see a bit of movement and suggest he hums louder, until you have him humming like a maniac.